Sunday, May 23, 2010

Out Of The Western Sky ...

The L.A. Tribune does its part to pimp the new, restored, etc., "Stagecoach."
On his commentary track, western scholar Jim Kitses argues against ex post facto analyses that place Wayne at the center of what is clearly structured as an ensemble piece. Only recently bumped up from B movies, and still saddled with the flop "The Big Trail," Wayne languished near the bottom of the payroll, banking barely a third of top-billed Claire Trevor's salary. But Ford gives Wayne a star's introductory flourish, a dramatic dolly-in whose focus blurs before resolving itself on Wayne's relatively unlined features. Framed against the soft-focus backdrop of Utah's buttes, he looks less like a rugged son of the frontier than a vision born of heat haze.
Read the rest if you give a shit. Just don't confuse us w/ anyone who does.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I like big buttes, and I cannot lie!

Substance McGravitas said...

John Wayne was a fag.

M. Bouffant said...

Been There, Seen That Editor Must Now Sadly Wonder:

Who will be next to come under attack from the demonic left, our man Mix-a-Lot?

Don't make us issue a warning here.