Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dry Up & Blow Away

Another smart guy at The New York Times spots an inconsistency or two in the TEA Bagger Party's stance/platform/principles.
Doesn’t Ayn Rand’s philosophy hold that Wall Street should be free to run wild, that a national health care system for the elderly is tyranny and that the only way for people to live freely is with “full, pure, uncontrolled, unregulated laissez-faire capitalism,” as Rand said?

We need to have this discussion; it is the fundamental disconnect among people who call themselves Tea Partiers. Rand Paul is the perfect person to force the issue. His father, Ron, was dismissed as a gadfly when he took fellow Republicans to task for putting a trillion dollars worth of wars on the credit card. Let’s see if the son also rises to fight.
Whatever. Simple facts about the glaringly obvious contradictions of glibertarianism & 'Baggery will be repeated until the last partier's bag has dried up & blown away, along w/ the last 'Bagger, most of whom are just about ready to be blown off.
How did it start?
Thousands of creeps
Killed in the park
But we come to belabor the less obvious:

Could we all, even the re-typers of the obvious, agree to reattach the three letters "ion" to the end of the word formerly known as "disconnection," making it again a noun rather than an awkward imperative?

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