Monday, May 24, 2010

Nation Of Sheep
Tell Me Whatcha Gonna Do
When The Commies & The Homos
Come Looking For You?

Not to blowtoot our own ancient & now-quite rusty horn or anything (Pertinent lyrics @ 1:45, save yourself the suffering.)but this, from the typewriter of Jack Paar, is a hoot & a half:
There used to be a time when it looked like the Communists were taking over show business. Now it's fairies. They operate a lot alike, actually; both have a tendency to colonize. Just as there used to be no such thing as one Communist in a play or movie, now there is no such thing as one fairy. Where you find one, you usually find a baker's dozen swishing around. I had a little game I used to play when I was an actor in Hollywood, back in the days when Communists or Communist sympathizers were nearly as plentiful in the film capital as yes-men. If I spotted someone in a picture who was a Communist or leftist, I could usually pick out several others. They always came in sets. Now I play it a different way. When I hear that some fairy is producing or directing or acting in a play, I can often name some of the rest of the cast, even if I've never heard it.
Pardon us, we have to read the rest of it.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Holy Crap!

M. Bouffant said...

Editor Proclaims:

A must-read!!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Granted, this was the early sixties; an era when social morales allowed sexism, racism and homophobia to exist more or less unabated.

Oh thank GOD that's over, amirite?

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I always thought the fairies operated by luring you into an underworld beneath a mound, where you'd spend many years of real time in a twilight existence, but then I am a reader of legendry.

M. Bouffant said...

Faërie Editor Observes:

I was watching some sci-fi drivel last night (Alright, early this a.m.) wherein robots tried to get humans into a time-dilator.

Plus ça change ...