Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tee Vee Host & Bastard W/ Flying Daughter Dies At 97

The New York Times has a more detailed obit of recently deceased bastard Art Linkletter.
But in 1969, his 20-year-old daughter Diane jumped to her death from her sixth-floor Hollywood apartment. He blamed her death on LSD use, but toxicology tests found no LSD in her body after she died.

Still, the tragedy prompted Linkletter to become a crusader against drugs. A son, Robert, died in a car accident in 1980. Another son, Jack Linkletter, was 70 when he died of lymphoma in 2007.
The low-information parental unit personified.
"Life is not fair ... not easy," Linkletter said in a 1990 interview by The Associated Press. "Outside, peer pressure can wreak havoc with the nicest families. So that's the part that's a gamble."
Don't play the blame game w/ Art Linkletter! It wasn't him! Outside agitators! Why does a shit like that get to be ninety-fucking-seven? Further refutation of the imagined existence of a gawd or anything else.


Cirze said...

Love you, baby!

Rat bastard!


M. Bouffant said...

Obit. Desk Ed. Adds:

We thought (for 10-20 secs.) we might have been a little harsh on the old wretch, but apparently not. (Unless we're the rat bastard.)

Cirze said...


(And "never!")

heh heh - sorry for the obfuscation.



M. Bouffant said...

Obituary Editor Adds Even More:

Just kidding, going for modesty & self-deprecation.

See here for a bit more on Mr. Linkletter, featuring Laraine Newman.