Monday, May 10, 2010

Atomic Comics

Nothing funny about these Civil Defense & making of the bomb items.


Glennis said...

Oh, man, I love the guys on the right here - are they young toughs tossing dice? Love the hat and the patches on the pants. Is this set in the "slums" of Bunker Hill?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

They look like WOBBLIES!

M. Bouffant said...

"Almost" Ed Agrees:

They caught our eye too. I like the patch on the one guy's knickers! Sadly, they are shooting marbles (Our ass! Who were they kidding?) which Dr. Science there uses to demonstrate fission to his questioning pal.

(Anonymous comic book city, though.)

Used to know four guys in Seattle (The Crowley Bros.) whose parents were about the last Wobblies, in 1968-69.