Saturday, February 6, 2010

Princess Di's Big Score

One must admit there's some animal cunning in Ms. Palin. (And in her husband, who apparently puts Hillary Clinton to shame in the interfering political spouse competition.) Let's face it, parlaying Wasilla elected office, half a term as governor of Alaska (Is that even part of America? It's very, um, exotic, isn't it?) & a failed V-P campaign into
... a status that has become an end in itself: access to an electronic bully pulpit, a staff to guide her, an enormous income and none of the bother or accountability of having to govern or campaign for office.

“Few public figures not in office have leveraged the nexus between media and political positioning as Sarah Palin has,” said the Washington lawyer Robert Barnett (who negotiated, among other things, Ms. Palin’s lucrative deal with Fox News, an arrangement with the Washington Speaker’s Bureau that pays her a reported $100,000 a pop, and a deal with Harper Collins to write her memoir, “Going Rogue,” which has already earned her upward of eight figures).
really is nothing to scoff at. Unlike the stupid this person displays:
“I think if Sarah has a passion, it’s that she really believes that there is a silent majority out there that she wants the folks in Washington to know about,” said Kristan Cole, a friend in Wasilla.
What a noble cause. Because none of the D.C. fuckwads can hear this noisy non-majority they call silent. And all Palin asks for are a book deal & a tee vee gig.
Ms. Palin, who declined to comment for this article, is scarcely seen around her hometown these days, said residents of the so-called Duct Tape Capital of the World. And since leaving office last year, she is silent on state political matters.

“She has expanded her house and turned it into a compound,” said Rebecca Braun, who edits the nonpartisan Alaska Budget Report. “She is basically invisible in Alaska but as big a celebrity as Princess Di everywhere else.”
Can we hope? Will a snow-machine turn her into another Princess Di? Mauled by a bear, maybe?

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Teh Sarah Palin phenomenon illustrates everything that is wrong with our corporate media, and our political process that same corrupts.

/windy words