Thursday, February 18, 2010

Random & Idle Musings

It took Israel's Mossad 18 people to off one Hamas arms-dealer or whatever, who was alone in his hotel room?

Which scares conservatives more, Negroes or homosexuals? A "crossover between RuPaul and Barney Frank," that's what (Maybe there's anti-Semitism in there as well, & of course women make them very nervous too.):
How can conservatives win the youth vote that overwhelmingly went for Barack Obama in 2008? At the Conservative Political Action Conference, apparently, some are betting on using racial stereotypes.

In a panel appealing to conservatives under 30, Jason Mattera, author of a forthcoming book called “Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation,” likened the gathering to “our Woodstock.”

“Except that unlike the last gathering, our women are beautiful, we speak in complete sentences and our notion of freedom doesn’t consist of snorting cocaine,” he said, “which is certainly one thing that separates us from Barack Obama.”

After the laughing died down, he added, “Actually, on the cocaine front, I do believe many people in America viewed Barack as they do drugs: it was a substance to experiment with.”

Dramatic pause for more laughter, and then, “But like most narcotics,* the hangover afterward has them thinking, What the hell did I just do?”

Mr. Mattera, also a television correspondent for the Web site HotAir, said that Mr. Obama had created the “right opportunity to capture what is perceived as the left’s stronghold on the youth vote.”

Even Obama Girl, he exclaimed, “said her crush has faded!”

He then mocked what he described, with a Chris Rock voice, as “diversity,” including, he said, college classes on “cyber feminism” and “what it means to be a feminist new black man.”

Describing the latter, he said: “Think of a crossover between RuPaul and Barney Frank.”

He described his book, to be published by Simon & Schuster, as an effort to create “a movement designed to capture and educate freedom-loving young people everywhere.” Offering up a slogan, he adopted the Chris Rock voice again: “Get your government off my freedom!”

Can we save our generation from Obama zombies, he asked. He answered himself by borrowing the president’s campaign slogan: “Yes, my brothahs and sistahs. Yes we can!”

*Cocaine: Not a narcotic. Who's a brainwashed zombie?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

To give them full credit, they are far more efficient in the area of getting the U.S. of A. to subsidize their child-murdering efforts in Gaza and such as.

Substance McGravitas said...

"Are you with me, racists?" is not the greatest rallying cry.

M. Bouffant said...

Random Editor Idles:

What's good for the IDF is great for America's defense community.

He's alienating all the coke-sniffers too.

"Our women." "Woodstock." Kee-rist.