Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sully Spots Some

Here, & here.


Substance McGravitas said...

Jesus fucking Christ.

Larry Harmon said...

WTF??!? I thought that the cold war was over twenty years ago. Apparently fear of communism is deep in (white) Amerikkka's DNA. I fucking WISH Obama was a communist traitor proposing a government takeover of healthcare.

M. Bouffant said...

From The Believe It Or Shove It Editor:

I heard one of the bitters on the tee vee at one of these things last wk. or so say "He's getting his orders straight from Moscow!" w/o apparent irony.

They've been internalizing the paranoia for some sixty yrs.

Anonymous said...

Not that you care, but this is why the rest of the world hates America. There is little out there that is as unChristian as your blog. Unless this is just a provocative joke -- in which case you have a sick sense of humor -- You are ignorant, frightening, unChristian, UnAmerican, brainwashed, and obviously not paying attention. Do you even know how to read? Hard to believe you can operate a computer.

Another Kiwi said...

Ruh Roh dis is pretty scary, Shaggy.

Substance McGravitas said...

Do you even know how to read?

Kind of a waste of a comment if he doesn't, huh?

M. Bouffant said...

Somewhat Baffled Editor Responds:

Thank you so much. Indeed, we don't fucking care, & our sense of "humor" is unusual, though we're really more anti-Christian than merely "unChristian."

But wait a minute here, pal. Are you seriously trying to tell us, in reference to a post that mocks & abuses people who call for a return to McCarthy-style witch-hunting, & compare health care insurance reform to Nazi euthanasia programs, that we are why the rest of the world hates America?

They don't hate us for our freedoms, they hate us for our stupid.

And for people like you, who confuse "Chrstian" & "American."

We have to watch telebision now (See, we are American!) so we will neither respond to nor return the ad hominem attacks.

Or are you the "provacative jokester?"

Hey, life is a joke, & you are the punch-line.

Another Kiwi said...

If you can't read this nod your head twice.

Another Kiwi said...

There's a good tea bagger's sign over at Crooks and Liars.
"Thank you Fox for keeping us infromed"


M. Bouffant said...

Disability Editor States [while nodding furiously]:

We can hunt & peck, but we cannot read or operate a devil-box.

Good thing Fox News keeps us & the rest of Amercia [sic] well-infromed.