Friday, September 18, 2009

TRMS Values Voters Summit Wrap-Up

Rachel has a staff. We don't. (Let's not go there.) So we'll let Ms. Maddow & her staff, camera crews, flunkies & the like handle this delicious schadenfreude. The most fun: arrogantly deluded religious visonary & apparent zombie Carrie Prejean. Yeesh. Watch her. Who's grooming her to take over from Sarah Palin, or do they have no plans beyond FOX News anchor?
Indeed, why should Gawd bless America?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Carrie Creamjeans isn't smart enough to wear Sarah Palin's Panties!

And she's not even close on the artickyouL.A.mantation.

M. Bouffant said...

From The Two-bit Psychology Editor :

We enjoyed her being so spackled it was as if she had no affect, other than baring her teeth, & her eyes going in every direction. Not, unfortunately, in different directions at the same time.