Monday, September 21, 2009

Foreign Policy Expertise, Or, "I Can See Mexico From Our Side Of The Rio Grande, In Which I Firmly Intend To Be Stuck Waist Deep Just As Soon As Possible."

The NATO alliance is at stake in Afghanistan. Yes, the Taliban is busy "gearing up to" export (Well, not really, now.) terrorism to the "freedom-loving countries of the world." But all AmeriKKKa has to do is "wipe them out."

Then Tweety asks "How we gonna get them Euros to help if we ain't so sure ourse'f?" in his man of We The People way.
Mrs. Senator Hutchison is not to be shut up from her recitation of why we are in Vietnam, & why the Euros are a bunch of pansies if they don't live in fear.
It's not a quagmire if you intend to be there forever. Last word from the woman who wants to be the Gov. of Texas. Has she ever had an original idea in her life? Does she have no idea of history, or the current state of the world?
Or any shame? This should be preserved as a perfect example of staying on message, no matter how foolish the message.

Added fun, S. McG.-style: Play all four at once, & listen to the cliches phase.


Substance McGravitas said...

Added fun, S. McG.-style: Play all four at once, & listen to the cliches phase.

Hey, I did that. Pretty listenable in a demonstration-of-script sense.

M. Bouffant said...

Ed Sez:

Not that impressive, but we didn't fool w/ the "mix," either.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Has she ever had an original idea in her life? Does she have no idea of history, or the current state of the world? Or any shame?

No, and No.

And yet, as completely worthless as she is, she still isn't as worthless as Governor Goodhair.

It boogles the mind.

M. Bouffant said...

Hair Don'ts Editor Asks:

Wig, or does someone need to be reported to the Washington, D. C. Cosmetology Board?