Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pope Benedict XVI Communes W/ His Flock

Doesn't Dracula always have spiders, snakes, rats & the like crawling over him? Frankly, we're a more than a bit surprised there are no cobwebs coming out of His Satanic Majesty's ears. We suppose that thing on his cheek is just the corruption of Catholicism oozing from him. Ah, the gift of mystery.


Another Kiwi said...

There is a joke that ties this in with The Lord of the Flies but I am too simple to make it.
Also me and theology are nodding acquaintances at the very best

Substance McGravitas said...

Is the spider an ass-rapist? If so then the pope's cool with that.

M. Bouffant said...

Arachnid-Ignorant Editor Asks:

Do spiders even have assholes?

(We know the Catholic Church does.)

Substance McGravitas said...

Do spiders even have assholes?

Depends on whether the cannibalism went as planned.

M. Bouffant said...

Long Pig Editor (Again!):

We've never had any cannibalism that didn't go as planned. Once they're in our pot, they don't escape.