Thursday, June 30, 2011

Potato Skins

From our left elbow.
The lower right one is about an inch long, if you give a damn.


Tom said...

I've got some pretty good blisters to be peeled from building a fence this week. The difference between me and you? I'M NOT GOING TO POST PICTURES OF THEM ON THE INTERNET, BECAUSE THAT SHIT IS HORRIFYING.

M. Bouffant said...

Photo Ed.:

You see? THE MAN has brain-washed you into self-censorship.

(And please don't tempt us to post worse.)

Tom said...

Cockshots of bleedy dicks or GTFO.

Unknown said...


Brain bleach please..someone..anyone.

My addition is the five gigantic slashes I have on my forearm..thanks to Georgie the midget cat thinking I was a fucking tree yesterday and attempting to scale my arm whilst running at full-friggin-speed.

Had to go get a tetanus shot today..fucking cat is on a weekend timeout.