Monday, June 13, 2011

Soiling One's Own Inter-Nest

Recently the editorial staff clicked on an ad for 'cycle boots, & made the mistake of looking up "Juicy Couture" as an explanation for someone somewhere who was wondering about the silly people wandering the earth w/ the word "Juicy" emblazoned over their booties in huge letters on cheap slave-labor made sweat-pants.

Now, every single fucking time we go to any god-damned whore site that has Google Ads (You know who you are, prostitutes!) we are confronted w/ either a model posing in a Juicy Couture advert or pictures of silly looking boots.

No real point to this, just bitching & moaning.

Just to add to the agony, the violin student is at it again. Or is that a clarinet? Yes, a few more notes reveal it to be a wind or reed instrument, at least. When will the agony end? (Rhetorical: We know, & it can't come soon enough!)


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Heh. Same thing happened to me after looking at, yup, the Juicy site...and also some vintage Good Housekeeping cover prints at Now, I see them EVERYWHERE I GO. creepy.

M. Bouffant said...

Advertising Age Editor Emeritus:

We've been trying to think of something less offensive to look at that uses Google Ads, but who knows. Never going to the american Apparel website 'though.

P.S.: Stay tuned for another post about YOU that we just remembered.

bbkf said...

well, ever since the s,n! thread wherein motorcycle boots were discussed, i see those ads thanks to whoever brought it up and made me click the damn link...

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Maybe it's time for you to bust out with the electic geetar, M.B.

M. Bouffant said...

Leisure Editor Types:

Same deal here. And we think we blame you for finding Juicy Couture, although we weren't sure enough to name names, & of course were much too lazy to look it up.

M. Bouffant said...

Blame Assignment Editor Clarifies:

We meant bbkf as the (possibly) responsible party, not Mr. SuperScriptX32. (Distractions everywhere!)

Only thing we could bust out w/ a git-fiddle would be someones' choppers. Any suggestions?

Substance McGravitas said...

You know who you are, prostitutes!

I actually don't know that. It's been so long since I've seen a site without an adblock thingie.

M. Bouffant said...

Advertising Keeps the Internet FREEEEE! Editor Adds:

Go ahead, live in your illusory world where you don't know what's paying whose bills, & what effect it has on them.

Can you tell if there's advertising (visible or not) when you visit sites?

Substance McGravitas said...

With Adblock Plus, usually not. When I'm at home I use NoScript too, and some sites notice that my JavaScript is turned off and make me notice a spot where an ad would have been.

I don't think my site has ads. Or does it?

M. Bouffant said...

Not a Hoor Either Editor:

No, just raging grandmamas that don't always load. You have to ask Goofle [sic] for ads, which could result in several $/mo. in your pocket!