Saturday, June 25, 2011

Borders Attacked

We were right here all last night. Really.
According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, "The two small, crude devices partially functioned and caused no damage to the Colorado Mills Mall and minimal damage to a small area inside the Borders Bookstore."

9Wants to Know says two FBI sources also confirm that the devices went off. The FBI says police responded to a store alarm going off and found someone had broken into the Borders store. Officers found two suspicious devices at the scene and called the Jefferson County Bomb Squad.

"I think it's pretty clear [the devices] were intentionally set," Dave Joly, a spokesman with the FBI, said. Joly would not elaborate on the type of devices found.
"I was right here, I tell you — Hey!! Leggo a me! You can't do this!!!"


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Guy could just have written a bad review of the book on Amazon, no need to blow it up.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Build the Fence!

P.S. I just walked home through German Village from the Giant Eagle. There was a helicopter with the search light going just over my head, and then a couple cop cars with everything on (lightwise, no sirens) came screeching through.

German Village streets are narrow and made from bricks, i.e. not paved in the normal sense. My initial thought was, are you guys responding to an emergency, or trying to make some?

Next, another squad car came though with everything off, and took a different turn. As it happens, they all seemed to be converging around this big dinner that was going on, because tonight was the garden/home tour thinghie.

I think I got an orb/helicopter shot, we'll see.

M. Bouffant said...

Association Football Editor Tops That:

WWIII as interpreted by vuvuzelas has broken out here & the police are choppering above to discourage fireworks, following Mexico's win.

Hope it's not another Vancouver!

mikey said...

Geez, it almost seems like a fella who was having trouble finding a paying gig could make a living holding your occasional seminar on practical improvised explosives.

Christ, in my day the boom-to-fizzle ratio was significantly higher. These kids today - no patience to learn the fundamentals...

M. Bouffant said...

Outsourcing Editor:

Got to admit the local celebrants set off a few good ones.

We may indeed be losing our explosive improvisation skills to other countries.