We were reminded of something that we had in reserve by a (OK,
the.) comment on the item beneath, to wit:
Click it to big it. (Or just to read it.) |
Really, how does Google know these things? No reference to anyone's then condition or artistic career in the comment. Is there a Freedom of Information Act for Google? Could we see
our file? Not that we have anything to hide.
What the HELL? now THAT is creepy.
Stop The Robots Before It's Too Late! Editor Fully Agrees:
It really no kidding is. Naturally we didn't want to drag it out until all was well w/ your baby project, but the relevance of the "design" ads hadn't really sunk in before.
Which is awfully mean of those shitheads, because unlike certain professions (architect) you is an artist, no mere "designer."
I was just gonna fetch you so you could see this.
And how did google ads know about my cleft palate?!!!!
Editor Kids Because He Is A Mean (& Untalented) Asshole, & Why Do People Take Everything Personally, Anyway?
A tattle-tale among us!
Nobody likes a squealer, Parental Unit.
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