Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Think Entropy

We’re not retailing and we’re not wholesaling. We’re not making things and we’re not shipping things. This isn’t a “fundamental change” away from doing one kind of thing to doing another kind of thing. It’s a fundamental change away from producing goods and services to mass unemployment and reduced living standards.
Whaddya mean "we," paleface?


Essentially, the icecaps melt, the oceans rise & everywhere floods, after which the oceans dry up & blow away. Après nous, le déluge!


Unknown said...

Our cuntry hasn't made squat in decades! This is not news kind sir.

The Federales need to start fucking w/those corporations that outsource all their jobs for fun and profit..mostly for profit.

We are building China up whilst tearing Amerika down simultaneously. It's not rocket science fer christs sake.

On second thought...perhaps it does take a rocket scientist to grasp it as the general population has not.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

That's O.K., M.B.

We're still number one in letting banks seize homes they have no title to.
