Monday, March 8, 2010

Crap Beyond The First Paragraph Of Which We Never Got:

Amid the right's hysterical repudiation of everything President Obama has done or wants to do, one legitimate concern stands out: that Washington will grow without limits. The federal government's size, scope, and power have historically taken big leaps in reaction to war and financial crisis. It's not unreasonable to worry that, in responding to the biggest economic slump since the Great Depression while fighting two wars, the United States will find itself with a more expensive, more intrusive public sector and a less free and dynamic private one.



ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I made it to the 2nd paragraph!

In the 15 years since, my advice hasn't much changed (or been taken). New Democrats and Blue Dogs aside, the party's congressional leadership has never really recognized that the problem of government excess and failure is grounded in reality as well as in the other side's distortions and misperceptions.


What a cobag. No one has been more ignored then liberals. And no one has been more correct.

Our society's problem is its big corporations and tycoons have far too much power.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Substance McGravitas said...


This is a word meaning "can collapse in moments".


M. Bouffant said...

Anti-David Brooks Editor Sociologizes:

The problem w/ the U. S. is Yankees. And Rebs.

And the dynamo of capitalism. We could go on.

Mr. 32®©, be careful. We really went no farther than that first paragraph, even though the second was confronting us in our email. We don't want to have to put up view-obscuring railings here.

Hamish Mack said...

Blah blah blah it's Teddrold Roosevelt, it's FDR, it's Uncle fucking Tom Cobbley BUT it's not the Republicans!!!!