Thursday, January 15, 2009

Look! Look! Islamo-Fascist Bacteria!

You could read it here. (It's by well known as a douchebag Andrew Klavan. See, we're not calling him a douchebag, we're just saying that he is well-known as a douchebag. The truth is out there, & it's close by.)
You could listen to Rush Limbaugh read it (w/ a few extrapolations).
Or, for the same result, you could stick your head in a toilet & give yourself a swirlie.
We'll save you the trouble.
 We have great politicians like Sarah Palin–who could well be president in not eight years but four–honest newsmen like Bret Baer and genius commentators like Rush–and Ann Coulter, who’s only about ten times smarter, funnier and more talented as a satirist than Jon Stewart or Bill Maher will ever be.  The left can’t out-argue these mind-warriors so they try to ridicule, disdain and isolate them, to make us feel ashamed that we admire and respect them.
It's the media that makes you ashamed of admiring & respecting hate-filled blow-hards? Have you no conscience, no values, no morality, no principles? Apparently not, judging from this:
The left has to lie for the simple reason that they’re wrong and we’re right, their policies don’t work and ours do.  Look at the cities that liberal politicians and programs have devoured like locusts.  Look at the liberal states that can’t rein in their spending even as they go broke.  Look at how environmentalists have made us energy-slaves to monsters overseas.  And look at how leftist, anti-patriotic and anti-religious policies in Europe have turned a once-great culture into a corpse that is being consumed by Islamo-fascist bacteria as we watch.
Okie-dokie, if that's your story & you want to stick w/ it, good luck to you, "mind-warriors." But despite your efforts, this remains a free country. You might want to check on whose policies are & aren't working, which city was "devoured" by liberal locusts, & just who made us "energy-slaves to monsters overseas?" Hint on the last one? There are monsters right here in America. Maybe AmeriKKKan monsters are OK, just not foreign ones.
Islamo-fascist bacteria? Is that a form of rat/cockroach-like vermin that must be exterminated? Thought so. We've heard that sort of thing before. Where was it?


Glennis said...

And look at how leftist, anti-patriotic and anti-religious policies in Europe have turned a once-great culture into a corpse that is being consumed by Islamo-fascist bacteria as we watch.

And this from folks who have probably never been to Europe, have no idea what it's like there now or what it was like there several years ago. Cluestick, my friends? Europe is just fine.

M. Bouffant said...

Int'l. Ed. Replies

It's not like it used to be, which would bug them. (Don't tell anyone, it might even be better than it used to be.) But to hear these clowns talk ... & project.