Thursday, August 23, 2007

Virgo Activity & Info

Let us first make it absolutely clear that Just Another Blog™ has no truck w/ "astrology." It's bullshit. We post this link to "Fun Facts About Virgo" only because it is all positive (none of that "Oh, you Virgos are all a bunch of uptight, anal-retentive assholes" crap) and because today marks the birthday of two Virgos directly involved w/ this "web log," Peabody, King of the Just Another Blog (From L. A.)™ Commentariat (&, oddly enough, one of The Editor's few remaining friends) & Blogger™ itself. Imagine that. And because The Editor here is also a Virgo. (Almost 54 & never been touched.) From "Fun Facts About Virgo:"
Tactile, methodical and willing to take as long as is needed, they make excellent lovers. Even though the Virgo won't express many words of love, they will show their affections in the bedroom. Virgos prefer to have a few strong connections rather than many partners.

Well ladies, there you have it. Line forms over there, take a number, please.


Larry Harmon said...

What?????? I'm supposed to be a good lover?????? Boy, did the women of this city miss the boat on that one. Oh well, I'm too old and testosterone-depleted to give a shit any more. I've given up on women, I've given up on gainful employment, I've almost given up on leaving the house...... ho-hum, life is easier when you don't care........

M. Bouffant said...

A Word From The Editor: Ain't that the truth...I barely care where my next meal's coming from...or if it's even coming...let alone anything on a higher level...well, I did care enough to re-connect the non-digital cable, just so I wouldn't be alone w/ what passes for my thoughts of how much I just don't care...

Anonymous said...

How do I find a man like this??

M. Bouffant said...

The Virgo Editor Responds:

Our e-mail address is on the side bar on the right. Between lack of testosterone & certain medications, we can take several hours. Actions speak louder than words. And, we're homeless, so you will have the upper hand in any relationship. Offer us a shower & we're yours for eternity.

We await your correspondence, hoping you are in the SoCal area.