Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Three "Men of the People" or "If the Three Stooges Had Been of the Irish Catholic Faith, Begorra."

Had this shot of millionaire man of the people Matthews taking up space on the hard drive (Just look at that boyish grin, how can you resist his "Hardball" coverage of the Great American Horse Race, five days a week on MSNBC?) but enough is enough, use it & lose it, I say!

But what to say? What enlightening context in which to put it? Another millionaire man of the people, that's what: Tim Russert. And isn't his expression interesting? There, that's two of 'em, that must be some context or another. Then the trifecta hit me: Bill O'Reilly. Three of 'em. That's not a context, that's a trend. What the hell's up?

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