Damn! This whole pix of cats on Friday afternoon for cubicle slaves who've had a tough week writing their own blogs, etc., and therefore just can't handle any more of the current terrible situation so they post pictures of the only living beings they ever have physical contact with, their feline roommates, is not working out too well here at Just Another Blog.
Between the camera's crumminess and Princess LIllie's refusal to lighten her fur a few shades so she might be visible, for all I can tell some ninny is posting shots of a stuffed animal that might not even be an attempt to represent a cat.
And I'm not a cubicle/wage slave. Take a tip from me, slaves, give up on the "job" concept, soon other bourgeois concepts like "weekend" will disappear as well, your existence will be improved, and you'll have only me to thank.
UPDATE: Here's some Fri. Cat Blogging that's worth the effort. 25 May '07 early eve.
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