Thursday, May 24, 2007

I Saw Another Dipshit on the Tube Last Night

Just saw footage of House minority leader John Boehner almost breaking into tears (literally) on the floor of said House while speechifying about how much he wanted to really fight the terrorists in Iraq, because it's the responsibility of someone (not sure who he meant, of course he wasn't making much actual sense) to defend the American people & blah, blah, blah...(INSERT @1713: Just saw J. B. again, tearing up: he wants to stand up & take them down!!?? Huh? What've we been up to the last five plus yrs., again? END INSERT) Whip over to C&L for A/V & transcript.
When will someone with a voice loud enough to penetrate the waxy yellow build-up in the ears of these inane, droning, numbskulls tell them, once and for all, that THERE IS NO MILITARY SOLUTION FOR IRAQ? Really, when?
I saw another dipshit on the tube last night who is sorely disappointed that "we" can't use "our" F-16s and soldiers & Apache helicopters to fight these dirty commies terrorists. Let me explain it: You can't use a fucking F-16 against insurgents who live among a civilian population who agree with the
insurgents' desire for you to leave their country. It's just that simple. Has never worked, will never work.
And (are you listening?) you can't use the Army, Navy, Air Force & Marine Corps, and all their swell weapons, to fight loosely affiliated, loosely structured, small, decentralized cell-based terror organizations. Especially not with a military still pretty much designed to fight a land war on the plains of Central Europe. (Mind you, a battalion or two of Rangers w/ air support is the answer to a camp full of terrorist wanna-bes; it's locating/confirming that training camp/cave headquarters "we" can't seem to get right. But that's an even longer story. Check the "Hatin' on America" label regularly, I'm sure I'll get around to it.)
To make it as clear as possible: Al Qaeda & the rest of the outfits "out to get us" (or hoping to cause us as much trouble as they can) are NOT nation-states with actual territory, established governments, uniformed militaries, industrial bases, or much else that traditional military force can be effectively used against. So give up the whining, already. Yes, you have The World's Mightiest Hammer right there in your Mighty Right Hand, but there aren't enough nails to pound into submission today, so I have to let you go. Come back again, about 2012 maybe, we might have something for you.
So the struggle against the Mad Jihadi Bombers (the "project of National Greatness" desired by some neo-cons, y'know, just to "unify the nation against..." so we can have a strong, unitary Cheney executive) is guaranteed to go on for generations because it will take us that long to learn to fight effectively against an opponent who is using our own strength against us, jiu-jitsu stylee.


Larry Harmon said...

Aren't (at least some) REAL neo-cons opposed to a strong, unified executive? I know that one of their mouthpieces, the former libertarian kook refuge which has now gained mainstream status, the Cato Institute, would certainly say that.

M. Bouffant said...

Our Editor replies: The latest left-leaning liberal taxonomy includes "paleo" conservatives, I 'spose to distinguish them from the neos. The "paleo" is allegedly for small gov't. (though probably still racist, sexist & homophobic) & against "foreign entanglements," while the neos (none of whom will admit to being neocons, but say "neocon" & they'll screech that you mean "Jews" and are anti-semitic) are a different style of bully, with somewhat different concerns. Like conquering the world (for its own good, of course) to remake it in America's image.