Sunday, September 1, 2024

Today's Load Of Codswallop

Cheap shot? Or cheap ...
Limeyland's Daily Mail (fake news all the way) printed this w/ a straight face:
Melania was rumored to have been a reluctant first lady during Donald's 2017-2021 White House term. But she was a popular one, with her low-key presence, diplomatic behavior and elegant style winning her fans on both the left and right.

The former first lady has kept a low profile since Trump left the White House in January 2021. But sources insist she fully supports her husband's re-election bid.

"Sources insist".

Well, she made her bed (or had one of the help make it) she can go lie in it. What'll you bet if I called her a two-bit hoor she'd hit me w/ a bag of quarters?

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