Tuesday, September 10, 2024

How Low Can We Go? Why, This Low!

None Dare Call It Libel

This is very exciting for the fake news. They can barely contain their starbursts. An ignorant question asked almost 30 yrs. ago was somehow "EMBARRASSING" & "Awkward". Guess that proves something about the Vice-President. No mention of any of Trump's embarrassing & awkward "side pieces" (not when he was separated from his various wives, either) or his lust for his actual biological daughter.
Never forget that Kamala Harris launched her political career in the bedroom as married Mayor Willie Brown’s mistress.

Democrats picked Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate in July in a silent coup of the sitting president, Joe Biden.

And, of course, the legacy media’s obedient stenographers pushed forward with their fresh Kamala narrative, not questioning what had just taken place.

Kamala Harris is best known for being former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown’s much younger sidepiece.

The absurdity of that last sentence should be dwelled upon a bit. By the way, is everybody at the Gateway Pundit a woman-hating homosexual Catholic & groomer, or is it just the big ugly awkward embarrassing bald publisher who's married to a Filipino (Why do these people hate America?) gentleman 30 yrs. his junior?

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