Tuesday, September 24, 2024

From The Crime Blotter

OC Judge Accused of Killing Wife Has Bail Revoked, Taken into Custody

In a bail motion last year, Deputy District Attorney Christopher Alex wrote that Ferguson shot his wife “through the chest in the living room of their home in Anaheim.”

The prosecutor alleged the judge used a “loaded 40-caliber pistol that he pulled from his ankle holster. He shot her at close range. He did so while intoxicated. His adult son witnessed the homicide.”

The dispute began earlier in the evening while the couple argued during a dinner at a restaurant near their home, Alex said.

Ferguson “pointed his finger at his wife in a manner mimicking a firearm,” Alex said, adding that the conflict continued at home “periodically” for about an hour.

Referring to the hand gesture at dinner, Sheryl Ferguson allegedly said moments before her husband opened fire “words to the effect of: `Why don’t you point a real gun at me?”’ Alex alleged.

Ferguson “retrieved his pistol from his ankle holster and shot (his wife) center mass,” Alex alleged.

Ferguson’s son called 911 and the judge did so as well. When a dispatcher asked the judge if he shot his wife, he said he did not want to discuss that at the time and when asked again, he said she needed paramedics, Alex said.

Minutes later, Alex alleged, Ferguson sent a text message to his court clerk and bailiff, saying, “I just lost it. I just shot my wife. I won’t be in tomorrow. I will be in custody. I’m so sorry.”

The clerk and bailiff assumed he was joking, Alex said.

This alcoholic murdering son-of-a-bitch was passing judgment on others? For yrs.? He murdered his wife in August 2023. The facts are there, then he confessed in a text. Why wasn't he taken before a firing squad, filled w/ lead & his booze-sodden body then drawn & quartered by Sep't. 2023? And when justice was not rendered in a timely manner, why didn't the citizens of Orange County get a lynch mob organized & deal w/ him? WHERE'S THE OUTRAGE??

Truly, your system is a sad fucking joke & there is no justice.

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