Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day '24

Bent Over, Doubled Up
I Did The Vom In A Blindo's Cup!

Finally told 'em to shove it at CrooksandLiars; if they can't be bothered to communicate w/ me I don't see why I should do a damn thing for them. Seven yrs. of producing content there & my total return was not a gawddam thing beyond a few perfunctory "thank yous". Not a T-shirt or coffee mug, nor even a public acknowledgement of the work I & others have done on the Round-Up for yrs. Plenty of begging for money, however. But no noticeable increase in viewers, clicks or readers here, either. Now ask me why am I such a cynic.

Other news: Looks as if this reporter will be spending/charging US$268.80/mo. from now until the end of the yr. for a medication whose primary side effects are nausea, vomiting & diarrhea. All I'll say is no diarrhea yet, fingers crossed. Now let's see if I can keep the pills down on an empty stomach.

Expect the killing spree as soon as I've recovered enough strength to pull a trigger. (Typing not as difficult.)

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