Monday, September 9, 2024

Happy Admission Day, California!

Worth noting: California is one of the few states admitted to the Union w/o having been a territory. Matter of fact, we were our own damn Republic, & it could happen again!

In the good old days, gummint & bank employees & schools got the day off. That's not as common anymore. Ah, a culprit:
In 1984, however, Governor George Deukmejian signed legislation changing its observance to a “personal” option.
Send him back to Armenia if he's still alive!!

No days off for firefighters, obviously. And may I say fuck civilians who can't move their idiot 'phones 90° for a landscape shot, & fuck the AP for using a robot voiceover.

State Anthem:
O. K., the Southern Calif. anthem. Northern Cal.'s anthem is by the Dreadful Grate & has something to do w/ fog.

You bet the sun is out. Allegedly 95°F at Dodger Stadium which is just a few miles north of the bunker, 'though some sources (the telly) indicate it's 103 or 104.

And a shout out to my late father, who became late 55 yrs. ago today on the road near Yakima.

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Anonymous said...
