Sunday, September 29, 2024

Join The Rejects

And Get Yourself Killed!

Join the Rejects was a reaction to this post-WWII/post-draft Royal Army campaign.
Looks as much like an advert for Action Man as for the Royal Army.
As was this w/ two ex-Sex Potatoes.Seriously, the Dep't. of the Navy wants neither firearms nor weapons at its facilities.
Actual Corps recruiting news:
Amid a military-wide recruiting crisis, the Marine Corps said Friday that it surpassed its recruiting goal for the fiscal year by just over two dozen people, according to data shared by the service with on Friday, a stark decrease from last year's numbers.

Officials said that the service sought to recruit 36,257 Marines this year, squeezing by with 36,286 total -- a difference of just 29 new Devil Dogs. That's a drop from the several hundred Marines recruited over the target number for fiscal 2023, even in the face of smaller recruiting goals this time around.

For new enlisted Marines, the margin of success was even smaller, with just one Marine pushing the service over its 30,500 enlisted recruit goal. For prior service reserve accessions -- both officer and enlisted Marines -- the Corps met its goal of 3,979 exactly.

I wonder if Koreatown is especially fertile gtound for recruiting. The Army & Marines have been there a while, the Navy just opened. No Air Force yet, but the former 7-Eleven® next to the jarheads may be available.

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