FRI 31 MAR 1944And so it is that yet another calendrical quarter drags to its inevitable finish.
Admiral Koga Mineichi, Commander in Chief of the Combined Fleet, en route to Davao, P.I., is killed in a plane crash. [Capture of survivors. Ramifications thereof.]
TF 58 aircraft sink Japanese guardboat Hakko Maru, Palaus.
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Adm. Koga Gets His
M. Bouffant
There Will Always Be An England ...
M. Bouffant
... maybe. This Limey doesn't seem all that certain.[via Scottie's Toy Box]
M. Bouffant
Those who buy & sell are w/o imagination & their crummy little shops should be burned to the ground w/ them inside.Demonstrate at least some originality, you designer bags of brain-dead scum. And shouldn't it be spelt "shopoholic"? Illiterate money-grubbers.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Lights Out!
M. Bouffant
Landmark Lights To Go Out At 8:30 p.m. For `Earth Hour’
Deadbeat Parent, Deadbeat Nation
M. Bouffant
Interesting juxtaposition, innit?
The Guardian:
Trump Fed pick was held in contempt for failing to pay ex-wife over $300,000 — Records obtained by Guardian show Stephen Moore reprimanded by judge for not paying alimony, child support and other debts — Stephen Moore, the economics commentator chosen by Donald Trump for a seat …
Allegra Kirkland / Talking Points Memo: Trump Fed Pick Once Found In Contempt For Failing To Pay Child Support
Steven L. Taylor / Outside the Beltway: More on Moore — Speaking of the Fed, John Fund asked …
Orion Rummler / Axios: Trump's nominee for Fed. Reserve board was found in contempt of court in 2012
Noor Al-Sibai / Raw Story: Trump's Fed pick Stephen Moore was held in contempt of court over $300K alimony and child support debt: reportGreg Clary / CNN:
State Department says US cutting off aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras — (CNN)The United States is cutting off aid to the Northern Triangle, otherwise known as the Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, the State Department told CNN Saturday …
Bonchie / RedState: BREAKING: Trump Halts ALL Foreign Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras
David Atkins / Washington Monthly: Trump's Isolationist Nationalism Is a Mask for White Supremacy
Rachel Frazin / The Hill: US halting aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras
Daniel Politi / Slate: U.S. Cuts Off Federal Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras
Digby / Hullabaloo: Trump has a tantrum and makes everything much, much worse
Orion Rummler / Axios: U.S. cuts off federal aid to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras
David Badash / The New Civil Rights Movement: Trump Guts All Foreign Aid to 3 Central American Nations - After DHS Chief Praises Them in ‘Historic’ AgreementAssociated Press:KABE-LP:
Trump cuts off aid to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador
Department of Homeland Security: Secretary Nielsen Signs Historic Regional Compact with Central America to Stem Irregular Migration …
Trump cuts foreign aid, threatens to close Mexico border
NBC News: Trump administration says it will cut foreign aid for Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador
Washington Post: Trump plans to cut U.S. aid to 3 Central American countries in fight over U.S.-bound migrants
Joshua Eaton / ThinkProgress: Trump cuts aid for Central American countries, threatens border shutdown
David Boddiger / Splinter: Trump Is Stupidly Cutting Aid to Central America, Which Will Increase Migration
Hannah Bleau / Chicks On The Right: Trump Threatens To CLOSE Border As Migrants Overwhelm Texas — We've Never Seen Anything Like This'
Bob Brigham / Raw Story: Trump whines that 'Democrats don't care about crime' in latest inaccurate Twitter outburst
Tim O'Donnell / The Week: 10 things you need to know today: March 30, 2019
Mwenzke / KTLA: Trump Threatens to Close U.S.-Mexico Border Next Week Over Illegal Immigration
Friendly Fire Forces Tunny To Terminate Patrol; Also: Air Power!
M. Bouffant
THU 30 MAR 1944
TF 58 under Commander Fifth Fleet (Admiral Raymond A. Spruance) begins intensive bombing of Japanese airfields, shipping, fleet servicing facilities, and other installations at Palau, Yap, Ulithi, and Woleai in the Carolines. During these attacks (that continue until 1 April), planes from carriers Lexington (CV-16), Bunker Hill (CV-19) and Hornet (CV-12) sow extensive minefields in and around the channels and approaches to the Palaus in the first tactical use of mines laid by carrier aircraft.
TF 58 planes sink destroyer Wakatake; repair ship Akashi; fleet tankers Ose, Sata, Iro, Akebono Maru, and Amatsu Maru; submarine chaser Ch 6; auxiliary submarine chasers Cha 22, Cha 26, Cha 53, and No.5 Showa Maru; Patrol Boat No.31; netlayer No.5 Nissho Maru; aircraft transport Goshu Maru; transports Gozan Maru, Nagisan Maru, Raizan Maru, Ryuko Maru, and No.18 Shinsei Maru; tankers Amatsu Maru and Asashio Maru; guardboats Ibaraki Maru and No.2 Seiei Maru; salvage vessel Urakami Maru; torpedo transport and repair ship Kamikaze Maru; army cargo ships Chuyo Maru, Kibi Maru, and Shoei Maru; army tanker No.2 Unyo Maru; and army cargo ships Bichu Maru (outside Palau harbor) and Teisho Maru (in the channel west of Palau), and, at Angaur, small craft No.3 Akita Maru, Chichibu Maru, Yae Maru, Toku Maru, Kiku Maru, Hinode Maru, Yamato Maru, Ume Maru, and Akebono Maru. TF 58 planes damage submarine chaser Ch 35, netlayer Shosei Maru, tanker No.2 Hishi Maru, and army cargo ship Hokutai Maru at Palau, 07°30'N, 134°30'E.
Submarine Tunny (SS-282), while on lifeguard duty off the Palaus, is attacked accidentally by TBF from carrier Yorktown (CV-10) 07°40'N, 134°00'E. Damage suffered in the friendly fire encounter forces Tunny to terminate her patrol.
Submarine Darter (SS-227), despite presence of one escort vessel, sinks Japanese army cargo ship Fujikawa Maru about 175 miles northwest of Manokwari, New Guinea, 01°50'N, 133°00'E.
Submarine Picuda (SS-382) attacks Japanese convoy, and sinks transport Atlantic Maru about 90 miles south-southwest of Guam, 12°20'N, 145°55'E.
Submarine Stingray (SS-186) attacks Japanese convoy and sinks transport Ikushima Maru about 350 miles north-northwest of Saipan, 20°43'N, 143°04'E.
Japanese minelayer Nasami is damaged by aircraft off Rabaul.
Destroyer Eberle (DD-430) provides gunfire support off Anzio.
QANON: It Begins!
M. Bouffant
Looks as if the first sick fuck Republican pederast has been busted by the Great Q-sade.
I must wonder; did he actually pay his victims?Former Arizona state Rep. David Stringer (R) professed his innocence “following revelations that he was arrested in 1983 on suspicion of paying two children to have sex with him,” the Arizona Republic reports.
“He also said he was forced to resign by Republican leaders in the state Legislature.”
“While Stringer claims he was never convicted, court records show he accepted a plea deal on some combination of charges and was sentenced to five years of supervised probation.”
In The Arms Of Hypnos*
M. Bouffant
Slept (minus the hourly trips to whiz) from 0305 until 1645 today, in an effort to heal a hideously painful infection (or brain tumor) in the left side of my sinuses.
I did wake up at 1145 & have a cup of coffee, but was soon back asleep, & w/ the telebision on. (No amount of coffee can keep me interested in the activities of humanoids for very long.)
Infection/tumor not cured, but much less painful/swollen.
*Sleeping, not dreaming. Therefore Hypnos, not Morpheus.
I did wake up at 1145 & have a cup of coffee, but was soon back asleep, & w/ the telebision on. (No amount of coffee can keep me interested in the activities of humanoids for very long.)
Infection/tumor not cured, but much less painful/swollen.
*Sleeping, not dreaming. Therefore Hypnos, not Morpheus.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Japanese Atrocity Report
M. Bouffant
WED 29 MAR 1944
Motor gunboat PGM-8 is damaged when she runs aground off Kundu Kundu Island.
Submarine Haddo (SS-255) damages Japanese army cargo ship Nichian Maru in South China Sea, 17°42'N, 109°57'E.
Submarine Tunny (SS-282) damages Japanese battleship Musashi off Palau, 07°30'N, 134°30'E.
Indian Ocean
U.S. freighter Richard Hovey is torpedoed by Japanese submarine I-26 at 16°40'N, 64°30'E, and abandoned. I-26 then surfaces and after shelling the ship and setting her afire (Richard Hovey sinks subsequently), fires upon the lifeboats and rafts, killing one Armed Guard sailor. The Japanese submarine then rams and sinks one of the boats before taking four POWs and clearing the area (see 2 and 14 April). [More on the Hovey & her crew here.]
Destroyer John D. Ford (DD-228) is damaged when accidentally rammed by British armed trawler HMS Kingston Agate while departing Gibraltar, British Crown Colony.
Destroyers Ericsson (DD-440) and Kearny (DD-432), along with submarine chasers PC-626, PC-556, and PC-558, and four British destroyers - HMS Laforey, HMS Tumult, HMS Hambledon, and HMS Blencathra - begin submarine hunt 30 miles northeast of Palermo, Sicily. Their efforts culminate in the sinking of German submarine U-223, 38°48'N, 14°10'E.
Pony Express Comes Through
M. Bouffant
As noted immediately below, the U.S.P.S. couldn't make up its mind when delivery would happen, & even when the Mon. 1 April notice came I didn't think it would take them so long to get a first class package here from Orlando, which was confirmed by the Sat. 30 March e-mail. And I had a sneaking suspicion that it would show today. Can't fool me.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
M. Bouffant
E-mail indicates Monday delivery:Yet use the link in said e-mail & U.S.P.S. Tracking® indicates Sat. deliv. Make up your minds you bastards!
In further interfacing w/ a different gov't. entity, just finished a wk. of jury duty w/o actual motion of my lard ass.This involved registering online & then checking online after 1900 Sun. through Thurs. eves. Apparently I was redundant. Nonetheless, what an imposition.
Penultimate dest. of the pkg. |
14 Secs. Of "Action"
M. Bouffant
Focus is a pathetically bourgeois, if not outright fascist, concept.
H.M.S. Truculent Attacks!
M. Bouffant
TUE 28 MAR 1944
Destroyers of DESDIV 94 bombard Japanese positions on Kapingamarangi Atoll, north of New Ireland, demolishing a radio and meteorological station.
Submarine Barb (SS-220) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Fukusei Maru off Rasa Island, 24°25'N, 131°11'E.
Submarine Silversides (SS-236) sinks Japanese cargo ship Kairyu Maru off Manokwari.
British submarine HMS Truculent, in attack on Japanese convoy, sinks army cargo ship Yasushima Maru in Strait of Malacca, 03°38'N, 100°50'E.
Fuck Opening Day, Fuck The Star-Spangled Banner, & Fuck America
M. Bouffant
Just presenting a contrarian perspective. Also fuck you, Americans.
Musical Reference &/Or Metaphor
M. Bouffant
Andy Slavitt / USA Today:
Trump wants to drop a neutron bomb on the Affordable Care Act. Over to you, 2020 voters.
David Thornton / The Resurgent: Trump DOJ: Courts Should Strike Down Obamacare Entirely
Katie Galioto / Politico: Trump vows to have a health plan ‘far better than Obamacare’
New York Times: What Happens if Obamacare Is Struck Down?Sarah Kliff / Vox:
Donald Trump is very committed to taking away your health insurance
Dan Desai Martin / Shareblue Media: Trump brags he will ‘terminate’ health care for 20 million people
Zachary B. Wolf / CNN: Trump doesn't have a post-Obamacare plan. That's frightening.
Grace Carr / The Daily Caller: Collins Says She's ‘Appalled’ By Trump's New Health Care Plan
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: Katy Tur and Marc Short Clash Over Health Care: What Is the White House's Plan?
Sean Colarossi / POLITICUSUSA: Pete Buttigieg Crushes Trump's Laughable Claim That The GOP Is The Party Of Health Care
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Yesterday's Police Terror Situation
M. Bouffant
One cannot leave one's bunker w/o encountering the police encountering someone.Dimbulbed idjit enters the line of fire. (Pretty sure it was "just" a taser, but still.)We are always amused by the number of vehicles & filth at any & every police terror situation, blocking traffic &, we guess, catching up on departmental gossip while standing around w/ their thumbs up their asses. Considering how the L.A.P.D. is constantly whining about their small number in comparison to the population & size of our hellhole, you'd think some of these yobs & their prowl cars would have something else to do.
Outriggers & P.T. Boats
M. Bouffant
MON 27 MAR 1944
Destroyer Hoel (DD-533) encounters and sinks outrigger canoe bound from Mussau, St. Matthias Group, Bismarck Archipelago, to Tingwon Island, part of the effort to evacuate the Mussau garrison by any means available.
Motor torpedo boats PT-121 and PT-353 are mistakenly sunk by friendly bomber, Bismarck Archipelago, 05°17'S, 151°01'E.
Submarine Hake (SS-256) sinks Japanese merchant tanker Yamamizu Maru about 75 miles south of Borneo, 03°53'S, 109°42'E.
Submarine Rasher (SS-269), in attack on Japanese convoy in the Java Sea, sinks army cargo ship Nichinan Maru about 50 miles north of Bali, 07°27'S, 115°55'E.
RAAF Catalinas sink Japanese merchant cargo vessel Shinsei Maru in Banda Sea north of Dowalger Island, 07°44'S, 130°02'E
Destroyer Livermore (DD-429) provides gunfire support at Anzio.
Motor torpedo boat PT-207 is damaged by naval gunfire off Anzio-Nettuno, Italy, 41°27'N, 12°40'E.
Allied force of American and British motor torpedo boats and British motor gunboats (Commander Allen, RN) destroys six German ferry barges off Vada Rocks, Corsica. U.S. motor torpedo boats PT-208, PT-214 and PT-218 participate in the battle.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Fuck 'Em All: Studios, Police & Pavilions
M. Bouffant
Starve 'em out!!
Then you can use your power-washers to clean their corpses from your precious fucking sidewalk, right bitch? Jesus Gawd Damn Christ, I swear I will kill all of these real estate scumbags & burn their houses & places of business to the fucking ground the next time I have enough energy. And an accelerant. I mean, how much of this brutal corporate/police thuggery are we expected to take?Included on the email chain is a store manager for the Pavilions down the street on Melrose Avenue. The group is concerned that the homeless have too much access to free food. “Is there an update on how we can stop the encampment being provided with fresh, untouched food?” Rebecca Vasak with Jahz Properties wrote on October 24, 2018.
“I have noticed several times that the homeless are removing discarded food from the trash bins located in the Pavilions loading bays on Lillian Way. With that endless supply of food they have little incentive [to leave],” Makan Mostafavi of Greenlink Group wrote on October 19, 2018. “Can the loading bay can be locked? End the food supply and possibly end the encampment on our street? Just a thought.”
Own Torpedo Sinks Tullibee,
Sole Survivor Interviewed
M. Bouffant
SUN 26 MAR 1944
Submarine Tullibee (SS-284) is sunk by circular run of own torpedo, north of the Palaus, 134°45'E, 09°30'N.
Japanese guardboat No.3 Tenjin Maru is sunk by U.S. aircraft off Mapia Island, Dutch New Guinea, 02°00'N, 135°00'E.
Japanese army cargo ship Shimotsuki Maru is sunk by mine off Murotozaki.
Blood Money!
M. Bouffant
David Reaboi / Security Studies Group:
BLOOD MONEY: How Qatar Bought Off the Entire DC Establishment — The new film “Blood Money” deals with how the tiny Gulf Emirate of Qatar funds lobbyists, media outlets, think tanks to advance its agenda in Washington at the expense of the US and our allies.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Down On The Street
M. Bouffant
This reporter is exceptionally egg-averse, but even if he loved the rotten little sulphurous ovoids he wouldn't eat anywhere w/ a name like that.
Saturday Seamanship:
There Are No Accidents
M. Bouffant
SAT 25 MAR 1944Did someone type "Bayonne, New Jersey"? About 40 yrs. ago?
Destroyer escort Manlove (DE-36) and submarine chaser PC-1135 sink Japanese submarine I-32, 50 miles south of Wotje, 08°30'N, 170°10'E.
Submarine Pollack (SS-180) attacks Japanese convoy, and sinks submarine chaser Ch 54, about 50 miles north of Muko Jima, Bonins, 28°44'N, 141°45'E.
Oiler Salamonie (AO-26) is accidentally rammed by U.S. tug Joseph O'Brien, and damaged, off the Naval Supply Depot, Bayonne, New Jersey.
Dual Allegiance
M. Bouffant
If they love the Auld Sod so bleeding much, why don't they just go back to their precious bogs & monkey around there?
How Was Your Wknd.?
"... there's hamburger all over the highway in Mystic, Connecticut."
M. Bouffant
O.K., fine, there's horse meat all over the highway.Multi-vehicle crashes kill person, horse and badly injure a toddler over the weekendA 21-month-old child remained in critical condition Monday after three separate car crashes Saturday involving at least 30 vehicles on the Grapevine stretch of the 5 Freeway, authorities said.
A separate multi-vehicle crash on the 10 Freeway in Claremont on Sunday left one person dead ...
Sunday, March 24, 2019
"... ineffective counterattack ..."
M. Bouffant
FRI 24 MAR 1944
Submarine Bowfin (SS-287) attacks Japanese convoy about 15 miles off the south coast of Mindanao and approximately 95 miles south of Davao, sinks transport Shinkyo Maru, 05°38'N, 125°50'E, and army cargo ship Bengal Maru, 05°37'N, 125°58'E. Minesweeper W.30 carries out ineffective counterattack against Bowfin.
USAAF B-24s bomb Wake Island, sinking Japanese motor torpedo boat Gyoraitei No.4.
ComCruDiv 8 reports results of his inspection of French naval vessels: he considers Emile Bertin, Montcalm, and Georges Leygues ready for independent or joint duty; Duguay-Trouin, however, an older ship, is deemed as needing repairs. French battleship Lorraine, also inspected, is deemed in very good materiel condition; with a brief period of training and target practice, she is deemed ready for combatant service.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
"... explosion of undetermined origin ..."
M. Bouffant
THU 23 MAR 1944
Destroyers Franks (DD-554) and Haggard (DD-555) bombard Japanese installations on Mussau Islands in the St. Matthias group, Bismarck Archipelago.
Tank landing craft LCT-315 is sunk by explosion of undetermined origin, Eniwetok Atoll. The blast levels buildings and tents nearby.
Submarine Tunny (SS-282) sinks Japanese submarine I-42 six miles southwest of Angaur, Palaus, 06°40'N, 134°03'E.
Naval Air Facility, Dunkeswell, England, is established.
District patrol craft YP-331 founders and sinks in heavy weather off Key West, Florida, 24°56'30"N, 81°57'35"W.
Sick & Tired Of It All
M. Bouffant
I would gladly drown in my own vomit if it weren't such an imposition on my current Zen state to eat something & then throw it up.
— M. Bouffant (@MBouffant) March 23, 2019
Amiable Dunce
M. Bouffant
Amiable, but lacks "intellectual gravitas": In plainer English, this Moore guy is a fucking cretin!Then todaythe presidentTrump nominates Stephen Moore to be a Fed governor. Steve is a perfectly amiable guy, but he does not have the intellectual gravitas for this important job. If you doubt it, read his latest book Trumponomics (or my review of it).
Friday, March 22, 2019
Nihilism Rules, Reality Drools
M. Bouffant
I've been telling you for yrs., & now it's been proved, you stupid, stupid bastards.
1a: A viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless
1b: A doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths
— Merriam-Webster
A quantum experiment suggests there’s no such thing as objective reality
Physicists have long suspected that quantum mechanics allows two observers to experience different, conflicting realities. Now they’ve performed the first experiment that proves it.
Barely Worth The Effort
M. Bouffant
WED 22 MAR 1944
Submarine Growler (SS-215) carries out unsuccessful attack on Japanese cargo vessel Teizui Maru, 27°55'N, 129°15'E.
Submarine Tunny (SS-282) damages Japanese tanker Iro west of the Palaus, 07°22'N, 132°08'E.
Three Thoughts On The
Fri. Night News Dump
M. Bouffant
!) Bear in mind that not only is Mueller a fucking F.B.I. pig, he was the former Head-Pig-in-Charge at the J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
B- No matter what's in the report, not one weasel-dicked moron out there will change its tiny mind.
B- No matter what's in the report, not one weasel-dicked moron out there will change its tiny mind.
- Enough talk; when's the shootin' war start?
Action Shot From Yesterday's
Police Terror Situation
M. Bouffant
I Doubt The Rest Of It, But He's Certainly A Big Prancing Queen
M. Bouffant
David Brody / CBN News:
EXCLUSIVE Secretary of State Pompeo to CBN News: God May Have Raised Up Trump Like He Raised Up Queen Esther — JERUSALEM - Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tells CBN News it is very possible that President Trump is a modern-day Esther poised to defend Israel and save the Jewish people.Rebecca Morin / Politico: Pompeo says 'it's possible' Trump was sent to save the Jewish people
John Wagner / Washington Post: Trump repeats claims that Democrats are ‘anti-Israel’ and ‘anti-Jewish’ ahead of Netanyahu visit
Lauretta Brown / Townhall: Pompeo Calls Rep. Omar's Comments About Israel ‘Abhorrent’
John R. Schindler / Spectator USA: Trump's Golan Heights stance is a big gift for Netanyahu - but the real beneficiary is Putin
Laura Rozen / Al-Monitor: How Trump's Golan decision will further frustrate Mideast peace process
Sputnik International: Pompeo Claims Trump Sent by God to Save Israel, Turkey Scolds US for Golan Hts.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
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