Friday, April 6, 2018

Fewer States Movement Picks Up Speed

 Max Greenwood / The Hill:
S.C. Republicans introduce bill to consider secession over gun rights  —  A group of Republican state legislators in South Carolina introduced a measure Thursday that would allow the state to secede from the United States if the federal government began to seize legally purchased firearms in the state.
I dare say the sooner we get the open-air lunatic asylum of South Carolina out of the Union (Or merged w/ North Carolina; how many Carolinas do we need?) the better, before someone gets shot by a politician.
 Jamie Lovegrove / Post and Courier:
U.S. Rep. Ralph Norman pulls out loaded gun in constituent meeting to make point about safety  —  A South Carolina Republican congressman is not backing down from critics after he pulled out his own personal — and loaded — .38-caliber Smith & Wesson handgun during a meeting with constituents Friday.
An alpha male, of course, would simply have pulled out his pecker & peed all over his constituents to show them just who's boss. But as one might expect, a Republican Congressman is a bit of an overcompensator, or pin-dicked loser.

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