Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday (13th) Nothing Afloat

Nothing appears to have happened in re: the U.S. Navy on TUES 13 APR 1943.

In the ocean of air, however:

War in the Air

Bombers based in England make a 1,500 mile round trip to attack Spezia, Italy
The USAAF carries out ten raids over Kiska
How to cite this article: Rickard, J (28 December 2007), 13 April 1943,
The Wiki indicates:
13: Radio Berlin announces the discovery by Wehrmacht of mass graves of Poles purportedly killed by Soviets in the Katyn massacre.
And the Chronology of World War II advises:
April 13
  • Beginning of Warsaw ghetto uprising. [766.40]
  • (evening) 211 British bombers attack La Spezia, Italy, especially the naval base with three battleships in port. Four Lancaster bombers are shot down. The battleships are unharmed. [84.165]

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