TUE 31 MAR 1942
Indian Ocean
Submarine Seawolf (SS-197) is damaged by depth charges off Christmas Island, 10°26'S, 105°41'E.
Commander of All Forces Aruba and Curacao, Netherlands West Indies, is established (Rear Admiral Jesse B. Oldendorf).
Unarmed U.S. tug Menominee and the barges that she is towing--Allegheny, Barnegat, and Ontario--are shelled by German submarine U-754 about 50 miles off the mouth of Chesapeake Bay at 37°34'N, 75°25'W. U-754 sinks Menominee and barges Allegheny and Barnegat; Ontario, with its dunnage cargo, remains afloat and provides a life preserver for the three men who had been on board each barge. Of Menominee's crew of 18 men, however, only two survive the U-boat's gunfire. Coast Guard lifeboat from the Metomkin Inlet station rescues the men from the barges while tanker Northern Sun rescues the tug crew's survivors. Later the same day, U-754 torpedoes unarmed U.S. tanker Tiger as the American vessel, en route to Norfolk, waits to embark a pilot. One crewman dies in the initial explosion; the surviving 36 men of the ship's complement, in addition to a six-man Navy gun crew riding the ship as passengers, abandon the ship (see 1 and 2 April).
Unarmed U.S. tanker T.C. McCobb, en route to Caripito, Venezuela from Buenos Aires, Argentina, is shelled, torpedoed, and sunk by Italian submarine Pietro Calvi at 07°10'N, 45°20'W; one crewman drowns and one is killed by shellfire (see 8 and 10 April and 16 May).
Destroyer Roper (DD-147) and tug Acushnet (AT-63) rescue 124 survivors (including a newborn infant) of U.S. steamship City of New York, sunk by U-160 off Cape Hatteras on 29 March (see 12 April).
Friday, March 31, 2017
Tiger Tiger, Burning Bright
M. Bouffant
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Death To Whitey!
M. Bouffant
My heartBrookings Institution:Senior Scholar - Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs — In “Mortality and morbidity in the 21st Century,” Princeton Professors Anne Case and Angus Deaton follow up on their groundbreaking 2015 paper that revealed a shocking increase in midlife mortality among white non …Discussion:Joel Achenbach / Washington Post: New research identifies a ‘sea of despair’ among white, working-class AmericansRonald Bailey / Hit & Run: Poor White Americans Are Dying of DespairLambert Strether / naked capitalism: 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/23/2017Robert Donachie / The Daily Caller: First Time In History, Mortality Rate Among Middle-Aged Whites Outpaces BlacksJessica Boddy / NPR: The Forces Driving Middle-Aged White People's ‘Deaths Of Despair’RELATED:
Moose & Squirrel Report
M. Bouffant
Former FBI agent details how Trump and Russia team up to weaponize fake news
Trump “has used Russian active measures at times, against his opponents.”
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“Tell them is fake news, work of moose and squirrel.” |
Bureaucratic Maneuvering Continues
M. Bouffant
MON 30 MAR 1942
Pacific War Council representing United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, and China is established in Washington, D.C., to plan war policy.
Joint Chiefs of Staff order Pacific Ocean divided into two commands: Pacific Ocean Areas (Admiral Chester W. Nimitz) and Southwest Pacific Area (Lieutenant General Douglas MacArthur).
Submarine Tambor (SS-198) damages Japanese transport Tatsuho Maru off Brown Atoll, 13°00'N, 157°30'E.
Destroyer Phelps (DD-360), undergoing repairs in drydock at Pearl Harbor Navy Yard, is damaged when a railroad crane falls into the drydock.
Japanese forces occupy Christmas Island.
Submarine Sturgeon (SS-187) sinks Japanese transport Choko Maru off Makassar City, Celebes, N.E.I., 05°39'S, 119°00'E.
Debris sighted by plane at 34°52'N, 69°58'W includes five empty life rafts; no survivors are sighted in the area of the last reported position of antisubmarine vessel Atik (AK-101), sunk on 26 March by German submarine U-123.
PBY search of area in which U.S. steamship City of New York is torpedoed proves negative (see 31 March and 11 April).
North Russia
U.S. freighter Effingham, straggling 90 miles astern of Murmansk-bound convoy PQ 13, is torpedoed and set afire by German submarine U-435 at 70°28'N, 35°44'E. The ship explodes and sinks; two men drown during the abandonment (see 2 and 4 April).
Well, Of Course It Isn't
M. Bouffant
Michelle Nichols / Reuters:Obvious to this reporter that the illegitimate Trump Admin. would have no interest in removing their dear friendDiscussion:Nancy LeTourneau / Washington Monthly: Quick Takes: No Woman AllowedJen Kirby / New York Magazine: Removing Assad From Power in Syria Is ‘No Longer a Priority’ for the U.S.Aidan Quigley / Politico: Haley: U.S. no longer focused on removing Assad from power
Putin's dear friend Assad. Also pretty obvious that Ambassador Haley, like Putin & Assad, now has Syria's blood
on her hands too. "Out, damn'd spot!"
Today In Sharia (But It's For Jesus)
& Fear Of Girl Cooties
M. Bouffant
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/r/AdviceAnimals |
Paul Waldman / Washington Post:From the WaPo:
Pence's unwillingness to be alone with a woman is a symptom of a bigger problem
Olga Khazan / The Atlantic: How Pence's Dudely Dinners Hurt WomenJohn Sexton / Hot Air: Progressives are stunned Mike Pence chooses not to eat alone with women other than his wifeDana Eisenberg / Mediaite: Twitter Responds to Mike Pence's Rule About Not Having Dinner Alone With Other WomenAndrea Gonzalez-Ramirez / Refinery29: This 2002 Mike Pence Comment Has Twitter Up In Arms
In Pence's demon-haunted world, every woman is a succubus but his wife, whom he calls "mother". Apparently he can't relate to women except as mothers. Or his mother. Dr. Freud sez: "Sad? No, fucking pathetic!!"Let’s take just a moment to consider this pair of rules Mike Pence has for himself. He obviously thinks that every interaction he has with a woman is so sexually charged that it’s safe to be around them only if there are other people there, too. Unless someone might be drinking, in which case even the presence of a crowd isn’t enough to prevent … something from happening. There’s little distance between that perspective and that of the ultra-Orthodox Jews who refuse to sit next to a woman on an airplane, or the fundamentalist Muslims who demand that women be covered head to toe to contain the unstoppable sexual allure that renders men unable to control their urges.
Today In Man-Crushes
M. Bouffant
One lies, the other swears to it.
Pamela Engel / Business Insider:If theofascist Mike Pence won't have a meal w/ a woman not his wife, what does it tell us about Rand Paul that he enjoyed his meal w/ known poofter Drudge? Just asking.Discussion:
What's The Matter W/ Bloody Kansas?
M. Bouffant
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Tragic Prelude, John Steuart Curry, 1939. |
Yeah sure. Compare & contrast w/ actual history:“Most grievously, this legislation funnels more taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. From its infancy, the state of Kansas has affirmed the dignity and equality of each human life. I will not support this legislation that continues to fund organizations that undermine a culture of life.”
Vetoing expanded health insurance for the people of one's state certainly represents a "culture of life", doesn't it? Kee-rist, what an asshole!At the heart of the conflict was the question of whether Kansas would allow or outlaw slavery, and thus enter the Union as a slave state or a free state. Pro-slavery forces said every settler had the right to bring his own property, including slaves, into the territory. Anti-slavery "free soil" forces said the rich slaveholders would buy up all the good farmland and work it with black slaves, leaving little or no opportunity for non-slaveholders.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Tugging Away
M. Bouffant
SUN 29 MAR 1942
Fourth Defense Battalion, USMC, and VMF 212 arrive at Efate, New Hebrides.
U.S. steamship City of New York is torpedoed by German submarine U-160 about 40 miles east of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, 35°16'N, 74°25'W. Before the ship is torpedoed a second time, the Armed Guard, who man their gun stations promptly, manages to get 12 rounds off at the U-boat's periscope. A second torpedo sinks the ship, with the Armed Guard leaving only when the bridge is awash (see 30-31 March and 11 April).
U.S. tanker Paulsboro is damaged in heavy seas off Overfalls Lightship; tug Allegheny (AT-19) is sent to her assistance.
U.S. freighter Excelsior suffers engine breakdown off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina; tug Kewaydin (AT-24) is sent to tow the ship to Norfolk.
Circling The Bowl Daily: Down To 35%
M. Bouffant
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giphy |
At Least That Whore Nancy Reagan, Her Senile Husband & Their Brats Had The Sense To Stop Whoring Before He Was Calif. Gov., Unlike ...
M. Bouffant
Look at this shit:How many times did she have to use her talents as a fellatrix to get this gig?
Sources Say
M. Bouffant
Devin Nunes, farmboy, in waaaay over his head, per anonymous sources quoted by Frank Bruni in The NYT.
If he did bring the potato salad it would probably make everyone at the picnic sick.All of this is irregular enough to peg him as a puppet of the Trump administration or a complete boob. Either way, he has surrendered his investigation’s integrity — and his own.
A Republican insider who once worked closely with him described him to me as an “overeager goofball” who can’t see “the line between ingratiating and stupid.” The insider said that Nunes crossed that line with John Boehner, the former House speaker, who gave him the committee chairmanship but grew weary of Nunes’s indiscriminate pep and constant bumming of his cigarettes.
My source wondered why Paul Ryan hadn’t kept a closer watch on Nunes, given his shortcomings. “No one is asking him to bring the potato salad to the Mensa picnic,” my source said.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Emotional Lump
M. Bouffant
We thought @realdonaldtrump's tweets were as sad as it gets, until we turned his speeches into an early 2000s emo song. pic.twitter.com/TvI4n03Xog
— Super Deluxe (@superdeluxe) March 26, 2017
Today In 21st Century Innovation
M. Bouffant
Trump to "return coal miners to work". Next on the agenda: Bailing out buggy whip mfrs.? Employment for elevator operators & telegraphers?
— M. Bouffant (@MBouffant) March 28, 2017
Where's The Money?
M. Bouffant
Michele Bachmann’s missing million: Federal elections officials want to know where $1 million from her campaign committee went
In a three-month span, the former Tea Party congresswoman's committee had more than $1 million disappear
Nothing Pacific
M. Bouffant
SAT 28 MAR 1942I think we all know how much that hurts.
Attack on St. Nazaire concludes with HMS Campbelltown successfully ramming the caisson in the drydock area.
'Cause You See I'm On A Losing Streak
M. Bouffant
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Trump's approval & The Dow: Joined at the hip. |
Wall Street Journal:
Dow Suffers Longest Losing Streak Since 2011 — Withdrawal of health-care plan has investors fretting about tax overhaul, infrastructure spending — The Dow Jones Industrial Average notched its longest losing streak in nearly six years, reflecting investors' doubts about the Trump administration's ability to enact its agenda.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Admiral Overboard!
M. Bouffant
FRI 27 MAR 1942
Commander TF 39 (Rear Admiral John W. Wilcox), taking an unaccompanied walk on deck of his flagship, battleship Washington (BB 56), is washed overboard and disappears in a heavy sea. Rear Admiral Robert C. Giffen becomes task force commander upon Wilcox's death.
Destroyer Greer (DD-145) proceeds to position indicated by Army plane and rescues five survivors from Panamanian freighter Equipoise, sunk the previous day by U-160; later, Greer picks up an additional eight survivors from the sunken Panamanian merchantman.
British raiding force begins attack on port facilities in German-held St. Nazaire, France; destroyer HMS Campbelltown (former U.S. destroyer Buchanan [DD 132]), reconfigured to resemble a German torpedo boat, is to ram the caisson of the only drydock on the French coast capable of handling the battleship Tirpitz.
Submarine Gudgeon (SS-211) sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Nissho Maru southeast of Kumun Island, 33°50'N, 127°33'E.
Japanese collier Yubari Maru is sunk by Dutch planes off Koepang, Timor.
Japanese transport/cargo ship Kitano Maru is sunk by Japanese mine off Mabilao, Lingayen Gulf, 16°10'N, 120°24'E.
"Waste, Fraud & Abuse"
M. Bouffant
CNN:Billions wasted on a total fraud? Of course there will be abuse. It'll be uuuge!!
First on CNN: Border wall ask: $1 billion for 62 miles — Washington (CNN)The Trump administration wants the first $1 billion of border wall funding to cover 62 miles — including replacing some existing fencing along the southern border. — The $999 million requested by the White House …Discussion:Shannon Vavra / Axios: Trump wants $1 billion for first 62 miles of border wall
Daily Downer
M. Bouffant
Sunday, March 26, 2017
"A Spirited Encounter"
M. Bouffant
THU 26 MAR 1942
Admiral Ernest J. King relieves Admiral Harold R. Stark as Chief of Naval Operations and thus becomes Commander in Chief U.S. Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations; Vice Admiral Frederick J. Horne (Vice Chief of Naval Operations) and Vice Admiral Russell Willson (COMINCH Chief of Staff) are his principal assistants.
TF 39 (Rear Admiral John W. Wilcox), including battleship Washington (BB 56), carrier Wasp (CV-7), heavy cruisers Wichita (CA-45) and Tuscaloosa (CA-37), and eight destroyers, sails from Portland, Maine, for Scapa Flow, to reinforce the British Home Fleet (see 27 March). [Wait for it! — M.B.]
Commander Eastern Sea Frontier is given operational control of certain USAAF units for antisubmarine patrol duty in the Atlantic. Unity of command over Navy and USAAF units operating over water to protect shipping and conduct antisubmarine warfare is thus vested in the Navy.
Antisubmarine vessel Atik (AK-101) is torpedoed and sunk with all hands by German submarine U-123 in the North Atlantic, 36°00'N, 70°00'W, after the "Q-ship's" gunfire damages the U-boat in a spirited encounter. Atik is the only U.S. Navy warship disguised as a merchantman that is lost to enemy action during World War II. Sistership Asterion (AK-100) will conduct a fruitless search for survivors (see 30 March).*
Unarmed U.S. tanker Dixie Arrow, bound for Paulsboro, New Jersey, is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-71 about 12 miles off the Diamond Shoals Lighted Buoy, off the coast of North Carolina, 34°59'N, 75°33'W. The ship breaks in half and sinks. Destroyer Tarbell (DD-142), directed to the scene by a Coast Guard plane, rescues 22 survivors; 11 merchant sailors either drown or burn to death, however, as the torpedo explosions set the ship's cargo of 86,136 barrels of crude oil afire.
Panamanian freighter Equipoise is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-160 at 36°36'N, 74°45'W (see 27 March).
*Bait Boats:
Atik (AK-101) was placed in commission at 16:45 on 5 March 1942, at the Portsmouth Navy Yard, Lieutenant Commander Harry Lynnwood Hicks, USN, in command.
At the outset, all connected with the program apparently harbored the view that neither ship "was expected to last longer than a month after commencement of [her] assigned duty." Atik's holds were packed with pulpwood, a somewhat mercurial material. If dry, "an explosive condition might well develop and, if wet, "rot, with resultant fire, might well take place." Despite these disadvantages, pulpwood was selected as the best obtainable material to assure "floatability."
Atik's mission was to lure an unsuspecting U-boat into making a torpedo attack. According to the projected scenario, the submarine, having deemed the tramp unworthy of the expenditure of more torpedoes, would surface to sink the crippled foe with gunfire.
The plan presupposed that supporting forces would come to the rescue whenever a Q-ship ran into difficulties. In March 1942, though, there was no such reserve available. The commanding officers of the two ships were told that they could expect little help if they got into trouble. Every available combatant ship and plane was employed in convoy and patrol duties.
Following fitting out and brief sea trials, she and Asterion got underway on 23 March 1942. Soon after leaving port, Atik and Asterion went their separate ways. On the night of 26–27 March, she was cruising about 300 mi (480 km) east of Norfolk, Virginia and Asterion was cruising some 240 mi (390& km) to the south of this area.
The Death Of Parody
M. Bouffant
The proverbial 27% of this nation's polled population would not find this amusing or mockable in any way,
& if you are laughing, Mr. & Ms. Libtard Smarty-Pantses, you are not real Americans, & may be subject to deportation.
& if you are laughing, Mr. & Ms. Libtard Smarty-Pantses, you are not real Americans, & may be subject to deportation.
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"Epic over-the-top T-shirt depicts Trump rolling in on a tank to take care of pressing presidential matters his way." |
Saturday, March 25, 2017
"Until The Oil Tanker Got It"
M. Bouffant
WED 25 MAR 1942
Dutch tanker Ocana is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-552 at 42°36'N, 64°25'W; destroyer Mayo (DD-422) rescues four survivors.
Bouffant Sports Book Now
Open For Business
M. Bouffant
Step right up, punters, our wickets are open.Today's friendly wager: Which will last longer, the Affordable Health Care Act ("Obamacare"), the Trump residency,
or the Republican Party as currently constituted?
or the Republican Party as currently constituted?
All-American Blues Bandstand
M. Bouffant
Somehow missed the passing of harmonica giant James Cotton at the age of 81, on 16 March. Rolling Stone has details & a good cross-section of embedded tunes. Pat Hare's guitar stands out in this Memphis number. Paying to see & hear a performance probably doesn't qualify as a "Brush w/ Greatness", nonetheless, this reporter saw Mr. Cotton wail thrice; once, probably in 1968, at Seattle's Eagles Auditorium, then at B.B. King's Blues Dump at Universal CityWalk, sometime in the early '00s, where J.C. was confined to a chair on stage, & co-billed w/ a giant of blues guitar, who I can't for the life of me remember. (Buddy Guy? Buddy Buddy?) The last time was this event at Hollywood's Bowl.
And I still have a promo single of a ℗1975 Buddah Records® remake of "Rocket 88", entitled "Rockett 88". One side of which is stereo (BDAS-468-A) & one mono (BDA-468-A) as if it made any difference in 1975.
And I still have a promo single of a ℗1975 Buddah Records® remake of "Rocket 88", entitled "Rockett 88". One side of which is stereo (BDAS-468-A) & one mono (BDA-468-A) as if it made any difference in 1975.
Under Lawsuit Threat, Ed Anger
Alex Jones Sorta Apologizes For Pizza Parlor Shooting
M. Bouffant
Gotta love Mediagazer, where at least half the "discussion" is Tweets.
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Katy Perry's in on it too. |
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
InfoWars' Alex Jones apologizes to Pizzagate restaurant's owner a day before becoming exposed to punitive damages in potential libel suit under Texas law — Alex Jones, the conspiracy-loving media personality, apologized Friday for his role in promoting “Pizzagate,” the baseless viral story …Discussion:
Alex Jones / Infowars: A Note to Our Listening, Viewing and Reading Audiences Concerning Pizzagate CoverageJesse Walker / @notjessewalker: Can't help noticing that they kept the comments closed for this one. http://www.infowars.com/...Dave McClure / @davemcclure: Alex Jones spread lies & defamed ppl, leading a confused individual to fire a gun in a family restaurant. Jones is a criminal, not a pundit. http://twitter.com/...Maggie Serota / Death and Taxes: Alex Jones apologizes for spreading Pizzagate lies, then passes the buck to other outletsRobert Maguire / @robertmaguire_: Alex Jones just apologized for @infowars coverage of #PizzaGate. NO JOKE: @mmfa has video https://mediamatters.org/...Peter Kafka / @pkafka: If a guy shoots a gun inside your store b/c of crazy shit he read in Infowars, Infowars will apologize. Eventually. https://www.infowars.com/...Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Good thing Infowars never published anything that displeased Peter Thiel. https://twitter.com/...Tom O'Connor / Newsweek: ALEX JONES APOLOGIZES FOR ‘PIZZAGATE’ FAKE NEWSMedia Matters / @mmfa: BREAKING: Alex Jones apologizes for pizzagate coverage, blames other media outlets http://mm4a.org/2nwuuNv pic.twitter.com/EZtWV8yP6xRachel Stoltzfoos / The Daily Caller: ‘Pizzagate’ Gunman Pleads Guilty To Weapons ChargesGreg P. / twitchy.com: ‘We encourage you to hold us accountable’: Alex Jones apologizes for #PizzaGate coverageClint Rainey / grubstreet: Comet Ping Pong Gunman Pleads Guilty to Weapons PossessionSasha Lekach / Mashable: Infowars apologizes for spreading #Pizzagate conspiracy
Art Of The (One-Shot) Deal
M. Bouffant
Next deal to close in the capital? "Tax Reform". Can't. Effing. Wait.Entropy increasing: Above musical selection will have been out 45 yrs. as of 5 July. The Seeds "Faded Picture" Sad!
Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great. We are talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 9, 2017
Friday, March 24, 2017
Bombing Daily: "We'll Be Here
All Week."
M. Bouffant
TUE 24 MAR 1942That is all.
Japanese naval planes (12th Kokutai) begin daily bombings of Corregidor.
Eleventy-Dimensional Fake News
M. Bouffant
Puttin' the spin on it:
Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart:Sure, not only will this end w/ Paul Ryan out on his ass but Obamacare will be repealed. That's the ticket! And just the distraction they'll need while Trump is doing a perp walk from the Executive Mansion following his arrest for treason.
Health Care Bill's Failure: Just Part of the ‘Art of the Deal’
Jesus H. Christ! "A Guide To Hiding From Queer People"
M. Bouffant
An atheist and a Christian review
‘The Benedict Option,’ a guide to hiding from queer people
"The Common Clay Of The New West
... Morons"
M. Bouffant
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Could America just not have any more sod-busting simpletons involved in governing us, or in anything beyond supplying urbane sophisticates w/ milk, butter, cheese, ice cream & so forth? |
An' he sho' nuff stepped right in that cow-flop, did'n he? When you've lost even the very-very-conservative Jennifer Rubin ...Devin Nunes once said all he wanted to do was work on a dairy farm.
Now the Republican from the rural Central Valley of California is running one of the most scrutinized, complex and politically fraught congressional investigations in recent memory.
As chairman of the House intelligence committee, which holds its first public hearing on Monday, Nunes is at the helm of a probe of Moscow's meddling in the 2016 campaign and the murky web of contacts between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia. It's a potentially sprawling enterprise that spans continents, plumbs spycraft and dominates international headlines.
He's a long way from raising cattle.
Until recently, the soft-spoken 43-year-old — dubbed a "normal dad" by friends — was hardly a fixture on the national news circuit.
Nunes shows why he’s incapable of running an investigation
Thursday, March 23, 2017
D For The Dead
M. Bouffant
A round-up of notables who've recently departed this steaming mortal coil. The pace has picked up of late, 'though it seems to be striking among those who are beyond their allotted three-score & ten.
Artist Bernie Wrightson, also 18 March, & sadly under his allotted 70.
Jimmy Breslin, ink-stained wretch, made 88 before croaking the 19th inst.
David Rockefeller, inheritor of vast wealth & power & rent-seeking parasite, made it to 101 before dying much too late, on the 20th. There is no justice.
Chuck Barris, whose Gong Show was a work of absurdist genius (he also created The Dating Game) 87 when he was gonged March 21st. "Brush w/ Greatness": Saw Mr. Barris in the (rather short) flesh in probably 1978, at the then-A.B.C. studios on Vine St., walking down the hall followed by several flunkies. The broadcast technicians were striking A.B.C., which meant the corporate accountants had to run the cameras on the soaps & news & this reporter was called in to do some work for the A.B.C. Records Group. (Fun Fact I Learned: The first Ramones album, on Sire, had only sold about 20,000 copies by mid-1978.)
And speaking of absurdity, we had neglected until now to mention the passing, on 6 February, of The World's Foremost Authority, Professor Irwin Corey, whose contributions to American intellectual discourse will long be remembered. The Professor outlived that bastard Rockefeller, having hit 102. There may be a slight amount of justice.
Richard Schickel, 84, film critic, director and author
18 February.
No personal connection here, but we have the same print of the Eiffel Tower
that's seen to Bob's left on the TCM set above hanging in our bunker. (Ours isn't sepia, however.)
Previously noted in this space, founding definer Chuck Berry, 18 March.Robert Osborne, 84, host on Turner Classic Movies
6 March.
Artist Bernie Wrightson, also 18 March, & sadly under his allotted 70.
Jimmy Breslin, ink-stained wretch, made 88 before croaking the 19th inst.
David Rockefeller, inheritor of vast wealth & power & rent-seeking parasite, made it to 101 before dying much too late, on the 20th. There is no justice.
Chuck Barris, whose Gong Show was a work of absurdist genius (he also created The Dating Game) 87 when he was gonged March 21st. "Brush w/ Greatness": Saw Mr. Barris in the (rather short) flesh in probably 1978, at the then-A.B.C. studios on Vine St., walking down the hall followed by several flunkies. The broadcast technicians were striking A.B.C., which meant the corporate accountants had to run the cameras on the soaps & news & this reporter was called in to do some work for the A.B.C. Records Group. (Fun Fact I Learned: The first Ramones album, on Sire, had only sold about 20,000 copies by mid-1978.)
And speaking of absurdity, we had neglected until now to mention the passing, on 6 February, of The World's Foremost Authority, Professor Irwin Corey, whose contributions to American intellectual discourse will long be remembered. The Professor outlived that bastard Rockefeller, having hit 102. There may be a slight amount of justice.
75 Yrs. Ago Today In Friendly Fire
M. Bouffant
MON 3 MAR 1942
Submarine Gato (SS-212) is damaged when accidentally bombed by nonrigid airship (blimp) TC 13 off the entrance to San Francisco Bay, California.
Indian Ocean
Japanese occupy Andaman Islands, Bay of Bengal.
Submarine Gato (SS-212) is damaged when accidentally bombed by nonrigid airship (blimp) TC 13
Indian Ocean
Japanese occupy Andaman Islands, Bay of Bengal.
Political Wire, Congenital Liar
M. Bouffant
And in the Palace, the Imperial Family continues to consolidate power.Bonus Quote of the Day
"The whole world had a chance to watch this unfold, and it was a direct test of his credibility. And the whole world now knows he lied about it. We’ve seen it again and again. When we have a president who is a congenital liar, it really matters.”
— Former White House aide David Gergen, quoted by the Washington Post.
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Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune. |
Fake Fake News
"I am not trying to get ‘top level security clearance’ for my children. This was a typically false news story.”
— President-elect Donald Trump, quoted by Politico, on November 16, 2016.
“Ivanka Trump to get top security clearance and office, White House official says”
— CNN headline, March 21, 2017.
Clearing Out California's
Trailer Parks
M. Bouffant
Sending the spawn of the Okies back to fly-over country:
Spoiler Alert: Landlords to blame.California exports its poor to Texas, other states, while wealthier people move in
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Ken Boothe, 69 Today
M. Bouffant
If you give more of a crap the miracle of the iNternet allows you to learn more. Above from 1966. Later re-cut, re-make, re-mix, mutation: You may recognize this as a differently titled cover of a song whose best known version is also a cover. Curate this'n yourself.
Death At (Approx.) 28°00'N, 58°00'W
M. Bouffant
SUN 22 MAR 1942
Unarmed U.S. tanker Naeco is torpedoed by German submarine U-124 at 33°59'N, 76°40'W. Coast Guard cutter Dione (WPC-107) rescues 10 survivors from one lifeboat and two men from the sea; minesweeper Osprey (AM-56) rescues one survivor from a raft; tug Umpqua (AT-25) takes off one man who had returned to the ship after she had been abandoned. All told, 24 men perish with the ship, which later breaks in half (the stern section sinking). Destroyer Roper (DD-147) scuttles the bow section with gunfire.
Unarmed U.S. tanker Muskogee is torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-123 at 28°00'N, 58°00'W. U-123 draws near to the survivors on two rafts and questions them before clearing the area.
None of the 34-man crew, however, are ever seen again.
Nice World You Assholes Have
Made For Yourselves
M. Bouffant
New York Daily News:
Racist Maryland man who fatally stabbed black New Yorker admits his intent to kill African-American men — The 28-year-old man busted for fatally stabbing a black stranger in Midtown on Tuesday has told cops he came the city from Baltimore to kill African-Americans, sources said.Discussion:
Brad Reed / Raw Story: Racist stabbing suspect drove from Maryland to New York with the sole goal of killing black men: NYPDAlyssa Zauderer / New York's PIX11: Midtown murder suspect came to NYC to kill black men: NYPDLindsey Ellefson / Mediaite: Man Who Stabbed Black Man to Death Came to NYC to Kill People of ColorBreanna Edwards / The Root: Md. Man Accused of Murder Traveled to NYC to Target Black People: PoliceRELATED:
The Guardian:
Parliament attack: man shot after police officer stabbed at House of Commons - live updates
Note well that Trump has no direct involvement w/ any of this horror. None of you murderous assholes need any help, do you?Jerry Iannelli / Miami New Times:Rundle Won't Charge Prison Guards Who Allegedly Boiled Schizophrenic Black Man to Death … On June 23, 2012, Darren Rainey, a schizophrenic man serving time for cocaine possession, was thrown into a prison shower at the Dade Correctional Institution. The water was turned up top 180 degrees …Discussion:RELATED:Julie K. Brown / miamiherald:
Prosecutors find no wrongdoing in shower death at Dade Correctional mental health unit — A 101-page investigation released Friday concludes that corrections officers who locked a schizophrenic inmate in a hot shower at Dade Correctional Institution and left him there for nearly two hours …Discussion:Ed Krayewski / Hit & Run: Prison Guards Who Threw Inmate in Hot Shower, Killing Him, Committed No Crime, State's Attorney RulesAtrios / Eschaton: Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
Anyway, the sooner you mother-fucking rat bastard sons-of-bitches finish killing each other the better. Your species is dead to me already, but I'll volunteer to stick around to cremate your rotting corpses.
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