Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Inheriting The Wind

Scopes Trial Redux: Imbeciles at William Jennings Bryan College in Dayton, Tenn. (much too far from any large bodies of water) are enforcing P.C. orthodoxy by making profs sign a newer pledge to reƫmphasize the statement of beliefs they already sign. (In blood? Doesn't say; wouldn't surprise me. Fucking mystical goofballs.)Something to do w/ Original Sin being genetically disproved. (Common sense not entering into this, for whatever reason.) So the typist goes on to add:
I am patient, for I know this change won’t happen in my lifetime. But I also know that in one or two centuries, Adam and Eve will be regarded as we now regard Zeus and Wotan.
C'mon, there's no call to drag Wotan into this. (Not that the one-eyed bastard's been doing much Xian smiting these days.)

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