Westsiders, do not vote for Matt Miller, corporatist fan of the National Security State.Pacific Palisades my ass. And "small business." (In English: Bourgeois pigs.)
We need a more radical Henry Waxman there, not a centrist clone of Dianne Feinstein. (When do the progressive purity purges begin? Between me & the Republican reactionaries, we should be able to get all the fucking middle of the roaders out of both parties & into the middle of the road where they will be run over by a succession of semis & SUVs. No more compromise w/ anyone, on any side at any time, ever!!)
You go girl!
We're right behind you.
No more neoConLibs!
Miller wants to cut Social Security, too.
Pitchforks and tumbrel time for this asshole.
Will Slice A Bitch Editor:
Did someone say ... "cut?"
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