Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Brief Reminder Of
My Undying Disgust & Hate

Just because you aren't dead yetI don't waste time, space & energy condemning you & every one like you on a daily basis doesn't mean I don't despise you & wouldn't kill you in cold bloodtake a swing at you (& everybody like you) if your sorry ass were ever close enough.

This includes, among others, Gwyneth Paltrow. (Lotta Welsh in your family, Gwyn? Crikey, now we see where the pretension began. Who will rid us of celebrity?)


OBS said...

From now on I'm just going to assume (hope?) that every online dictionary in the world has now linked the word "vapid" to that Vanity Fair article.

M. Bouffant said...

Bible Editor:
Vanity, thy name is vapid.