Monday, September 30, 2013

Time For Another Quake

Per a real estate web log:
USC Casden has released its annual report on Southern California rents (in LA, OC, SD Counties, and the Inland Empire) and daaaaamn this market is tiiiiiight. They've poked their head out, seen the specter of rapidly declining vacancies, and declared two more years of rent increases.


Los Angeles County had the biggest rent increase in SoCal--rents went up 2.86 percent to an average of $1,435 (Orange County is still the most expensive though, at $1,572).
The only way to relieve that tiiiiiightness is a quake big enough to send the rats scurrying back to their holes.
Lessee, January 1994 ... yeah, we're inside the window of opportunity, ± a yr. or two, so any day now.


Weird Dave said...

Why is it taking so long?

mikey said...

A few years ago I moved from atop the Hayward fault west to the San Andreas. Since all the expectations for "The Big One" are centered on the Hayward, I expect to ride it out in comfort - stuck here while the bridges are out, but with water and power and very little in the way of block-long infernos...