Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fuck Tha Police!

Also fuck the L.A. County Sheriff's Dep't. & all other pseudo-military agencies involved in war on the homeless. The Fourth Amendment & the Second Amendment should apply here, & those deputies should be dead, rather than merely suffering from holes in their feet. (Tetanus, where is thy sting?)

It is a good sign that our homeless brothers & sisters are resisting fascism in every guise, whether it be law enforcement, a fucking job (either of which = Hitler) or the tyranny of property. We'll be starting an Arm The Homeless drive* so the victims of society may be as secure in their persons, houses, papers & effects as any property-owning millionaire w/ a contract for privatized security.
*Send money, ammo & weapons to:
The Publisher
Just Another Blog (From L.A.)™
c/o General Delivery
Los Angeles, Calif. 90012+2904
(Do not write "GUNS & AMMO" on the package, dimbulb.)

(And yes, we may skim a gun or two & some rounds from the top. You're all warned.)


mikey said...

I think it's Fuck tha PO-Leece.

And I would happily work on "Guns for Bouffant" fundraiser. I see it as part of my entertainment budget. I'm thinking the FN Five-Seven would be a good choice...

Weird Dave said...

Someone (don't make me look up who) once said you can tell how civilized a society is by how they treat their undesirables.
We are not civilized.