Friday, September 13, 2013

Lady Lieberman

Christ on a crutch, w/ sanctimonious little prick Joe Lieberman class-warring for corporate money* at a New York law firm is there a Democratic Senator less democratic than Dianne Feinstein?
The Senate Judiciary committee on Thursday approved legislation that would protect reporters, with exceptions, from being forced to disclose confidential sources. The bill was passed with an amendment that defined a “covered journalist” as an “employee, independent contractor or agent of an entity that disseminates news or information.” Or, as Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said, “real reporters,” and not just anyone with a website.

“I can’t support it if everyone who has a blog has a special privilege … or if Edward Snowden were to sit down and write this stuff, he would have a privilege. I’m not going to go there,” she said, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The “journalist” would also have to have been employed ["WORK‽" — Maynard G. Krebs] for a one year period within the last 20 years, or for a three-month period within the last five years. Student journalists would also be covered, as well as those “whom a federal judge has decided should be able to avail him or herself of the protections of the privilege, consistent with the interests of justice and the protection of lawful and legitimate newsgathering activities.”
Yes, we understand religious blinders keep her from seeing Israel as it is, & keep her wasting zillions on defensethe profitable manufacture & export of weapons, nat'l. security (theater) voting for the PATRIOT Act & more FISA, & we grant that her marriage to investment banker Richard C. Blum & net worth of scores & scores of millions of dollars force her to err on the side of the wealthy & their corporate interests, no problem there, but does she have to be such a fucking fascist all the time?

*Former Sen. Joe Lieberman has joined the the firm Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman as a senior counsel in its New York office.

The former Democratic Vice Presidential candidate is expected to focus on independent and internal investigations [Snoop, then rat. —M.B.] as well as advise clients on public policy, strategic and regulatory issues, according to a firm release.

Lieberman will also work with corporate clients on tax, health care, security, intellectual property and international expansion initiatives†.

While in the Senate, Lieberman led several congressional investigations, including the inquiry into Enron’s collapse, the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina and the Fort Hood mass shooting, among others.
Since leaving Congress, Lieberman has remained active and recently joined as a co-chair of the American Internationalism Project‡ at the American Enterprise Institute.

Were we in charge those would all be capital crimes. In both senses.

Shorter press release: Imperialism.
Shorter A.E.I.: Imperialism.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Remember all the Democrats who went to save Holy Joe's kosher bacon after he lost the primary?


mikey said...

And oh by the way, Snowden would have BEEN a protected source, not a "covered Journalist" so the whole premise is null. I foresee a whole bunch of random legal outcomes as various lower court judges make ideological determinations of who is a "covered journalist" and who is not. You start getting into the business of government designated, certified or licensed journalists and you are in a very dark place.

As for DiFi, if you saw her in action in the days & weeks after the Moscone/Milk murders, you'd always have a bit of a soft spot for her fascist ass...

M. Bouffant said...

Beef Bacon Sucks Editor:
Oh? 'Cause we were going to go on about her opportunism following that tragedy, but forgot, or just weren't at full cranky irritation.