Thursday, September 5, 2013

Syria Nothing, Bomb D.C.!

(It's all in the title [Headline?] really. Another "DEATH TO THE HYPOCRITES!" rant. You know, filler.)

Fucking shit, Washington has more blood on its hands than butcher Assad, recent proxy-torturer for & dear friend of these United Snakes.
Images of Rumsfeld shaking hands w/ Saddam Hussein
& Kerry dining w/ bloody (yet chinless) Bashar
make it obvious that Rummy & Kerry should both be taken out back & deflated; the evidence is plain, a trial isn't necessary. Clean the filth from your own soiled nest before you go after motes in anyone else's eye, America!!

Poison gas? Agent Orange! Depleted uranium! (History buffs will remember Hiroshima & Nagasaki, also too.) Compare & contrast, referring also to "Death from Above" & the murder of millions of civilians.

Never have we been more ashamed to be a citizen of the United States except the last time & the many many times before that when our idiot leaders fucked up. Who the fuck keeps "electing" these people, anyway? Other American people? (Justifying/necessitating any terrorist attack on this nation & the sheep populating it.) Stop the terrorists before they kill again!

1 comment:

Weird Dave said...

If only.