Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Nuge Today

Sweat-y Teddy gets closer to his goal of being dead or in jail (And why not both?) w/in months of the colored guy sneaking back in the White House. Judging from this, he's trying to get arrested. We truly & sincerely wish Mr. Nugent all the success in the world at that endeavor.According to Ted the American Revolution was not a taxation w/o representation deal at all, but a reaction to King George trying to grab guns from patriots?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

A natural-born dumbass.

Weird Dave said...

How much longer 'till he's either dead or in jail?

mikey said...

I guess the fact that he's NOT dead or in jail at this point pretty much proves that the Obama government is NOT a tyrannical dictatorship...