Tuesday, January 15, 2013

So Give The Fuck Up Already

If there are no humans alive to miss all the other dead humans, what possible fucking difference could it make?
With climate change, unless we act fairly soon in response to the timetable set by physics, there’s not much reason to act at all.
Hurry up & die already so we don't have to listen to anyone's bullshit     about anything, ever again.


mikey said...

Unfortunately for your premise (and our personal happiness) global climate change, while beyond doubt representing a "mass extinction event" will not result in anything close to the extinction of humans. What it WILL do is reduce the planet's ability to support complex life, and relocate those places most compatible with human societies. So, of course, once again the wealthy and well armed will merely occupy those places while the poor and helpless die by the billions, the lust for oil replaced by the lust for viable agricultural productivity...

Weird Dave said...

1) More or less, what mikey said.

2) UTNE Reader is still around? Fuckin' hippies.

Substance McGravitas said...

Yeah, the decision to make is whether you want to be clambering up the piles of corpses or rot peacefully beneath them.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


jim said...

Homosap isn't going anywhere, biologically speaking: heat waves are a picnic compared to Ice Ages, & we've already survived several of those.

A fuckton of other species won't be nearly so lucky - trees can't run away & neither can coral reefs.

PS: Going back to the article, another thing physics gives exactly zero shits about is whether your apathy comes from idiotic scepticism or well-informed existential despair. The sentiment inspiring it may be the opposite but the end result IRL is identical.Also, it is a scientific fact that every time another prole says "ahh, climate change, nobody can fix it so who gives a fuck," Tony Hayward has an orgasm.

M. Bouffant said...

Morbid & Juvenile Editor:
What a bunch of party poopers. Nobody wants us to enjoy ourselves. Optimists, poo!

Course we won't be alive quite long enough to see y'all stewing in your own wastes while fighting over the last chicken, dog or baby.

Weird Dave said...
