Friday, January 11, 2013

The Way We Weren't

With Superstorm Sandy, the London Olympics, continuing unrest in the Middle East and the U.S. presidential election, there's been no shortage of big headlines in 2012. Economic struggles, political gridlock, natural disasters, red carpet coverage of the top award shows and Obama’s reelection. We covered it all. If you’re working on your 2012 year-in-review content, AP Archive has all the footage you need! Whenever a story broke in 2012, AP's cameras were on the ground, capturing the news as it happened. We can help you highlight all the top moments, names and news in your look back at the year that was 2012!Soundtrack is abysmal contemporary horseshit. Try this.


Weird Dave said...

My computer makes better music than that soundtrack.

M. Bouffant said...

Entertainment Editor:
That makes yours better than the AP's. Man. Gas music from Jupiter if we've ever heard it.