Because we are an idjit it took us a while to realize this gargoylic thang was a drain.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Not Hollyhock House
M. Bouffant
Thursday, November 29, 2012
61 Yrs. Ago
M. Bouffant
Post-election there was plenty of whining from the usual sources that the complete takeover of the media/press, Hollywood & academia by leftists & liberals was one of the reasons American dupes reëlected that you-name-it Obama. (We could look it up but we won't.) Considering that the hard-left lib takeover's been going on since at least Nov. 1951 we're rather surprised it took almost 60 yrs. for a centrist Democrat to be elected in the first place.
Further paranoia.
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Same shit, different millennium. |
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If only. |
Eat More Shit
M. Bouffant
Fast food day here, apparently. Is there anything more idiotic, revolting & pretentiously phony than someone worth hundreds of million dollars* eating at McDonald's, let alone ordering for himself? How completely fake, & what an excellent demonstration of just how important he & his time are. Shouldn't this sack of shit be creating a fucking job instead of standing in line waiting to poison himself? Hope he tipped well.
*Actually less than worthless. A fucking parasite who should have been burned off the body politic like a leech.
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Stop pretending you jerk loser, no one's ever voting for you again. Ever. |
*Actually less than worthless. A fucking parasite who should have been burned off the body politic like a leech.
Eat Mor Chikin?
M. Bouffant
We were in Westwood a couple of wks. ago & saw that the Burger King mentioned here had, somehow, gone out of business. Almost took a picture of the empty storefront, but, as we like to type: Why bother?
We've no idea how a fast-food franchise right across the street from an entrance to the UCLA campus could fail* (Although the Carl's Jr. that was three blocks south & the Mickey D's that was two blocks south are both long gone, come to think of it. The In-N-Out Burger a couple of blocks west is always busy, however.) but not to worry, another fast food operation is going in: Chick-fil-A. We'll see how long their breaded chicken hate-wiches last.
*It's possible that the Regents of the University of California jacked up the lease, but who knows.
We've no idea how a fast-food franchise right across the street from an entrance to the UCLA campus could fail* (Although the Carl's Jr. that was three blocks south & the Mickey D's that was two blocks south are both long gone, come to think of it. The In-N-Out Burger a couple of blocks west is always busy, however.) but not to worry, another fast food operation is going in: Chick-fil-A. We'll see how long their breaded chicken hate-wiches last.
*It's possible that the Regents of the University of California jacked up the lease, but who knows.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Piss & Shitheads
M. Bouffant
We suppose that, for whatever reason (Competition?) Tucker Carlson's Daily Skin Crawler doesn't approve of Glenn Beck's antics.
Also, can't get their figures straight.
Also, can't get their figures straight.
Renowned artiste Glenn Beckput an Obama bobblehead in a glass jar, “urinated” into it, called it art and is now selling it for the low, low price of $25,000. (While Beck initially claimed to have peed into the jar, it is actually beer, according to MSN.)Fuck this shit, Bugger is acting up, & we are far beyond giving a fuck about it or anything else.
The artwork/publicity stunt will soon be on sale for $250,000, just in time for Christmas. Make the staunch First Amendment supporter in your family filled with glee by putting ”Obama in Pee Pee” in their stocking.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Summer's Almost Gone
M. Bouffant
Not a damn thing worth the typing in today's events; back to sharing more info about ourself than anyone needs, to wit:
Visitors can stop feeling shame & the constant desire to scrub the filth from their bodies that mere reading or looking at the pictures here can bring. Why? W/ the temperature now hovering near or below 70°F (Outside temp: 62°F!) we are pretty much going to be working in pants for the near future, rather than our temperate mos. typing outfit of sagging Fruit of the Loom underwear, T-shirt optional. (Roll that image around for a while & you'll want to pluck out your mind's eye.)
Visitors can stop feeling shame & the constant desire to scrub the filth from their bodies that mere reading or looking at the pictures here can bring. Why? W/ the temperature now hovering near or below 70°F (Outside temp: 62°F!) we are pretty much going to be working in pants for the near future, rather than our temperate mos. typing outfit of sagging Fruit of the Loom underwear, T-shirt optional. (Roll that image around for a while & you'll want to pluck out your mind's eye.)
The Sky Above ...
M. Bouffant
We can only imagine what it will be like when the skies are filled w/ drones; it already seems we can't leave the bunker w/o being followed by the forces of repression.
Monday, November 26, 2012
GOP Apostasy
M. Bouffant
From the "We Did Not Know That" file, we see that Republican apostate Bruce Bartlett, who's gotten a certain amount of press attention because his economic head is no longer shoved as far up his ass as most of his once-fellow travelers is one of the toads responsible for the pathetic "Robert Byrd was a Klansman" trope typed so often by drooling cretins who troll reality-based spots on the Internet.
Now who's "reality-based?"
Apparently the only Americans idiotic enough to ignore the "Southern Strategy" & what the two parties represent here & now are the drooling trolls mentioned, & the kind of cretinous honkie who likes to screech "liberals are the real racists" while quoting The Bell Curve in the closed loop of reactionary sites.Seeing the demographic trends toward an increasingly nonwhite electorate, which were obvious in easily available census projections, I decided to write a book about how Republicans could deal with it. I concluded that the anti-immigrant attitude among the Republican base was too severe for the party to reach out meaningfully to the fast-growing Latino community. Recall that Bush’s proposal for immigration reform was soundly rejected by his own party.
If Republicans had no hope of attracting Latino votes, what other nonwhite group could they attract? Maybe the time had come for them to make a major play for the black vote. I thought that blacks and Latinos were natural political and economic competitors, and I saw in poll data that blacks were receptive to a hardline position on illegal immigration. I also knew that many blacks felt ignored by Democrats, who simply took their votes for granted—as Republicans did for 60 years after the Civil War.
If Republicans could only increase their share of the black vote from 10 percent, which it had been since Goldwater, to the 30 percent level that Dwight Eisenhower enjoyed, it would have major electoral ramifications.
The best way to get Republicans to read a book about reaching out for the black vote, I thought, was to detail the Democratic Party’s long history of maltreatment of blacks. After all, the party was based in the South for 100 years after the war, and all of the ugly racism we associate with that region was enacted and enforced by Democratic politicians. I was surprised that such a book didn’t already exist.
I thought knowing the Democratic Party’s pre-1964 history of racism, which is indisputable, would give Republicans a story to tell when they went before black groups to solicit votes. I thought it would also make Republicans more sympathetic to the problems of the black community, many of which are historical in their origins. Analyses by economists and sociologists show that historical racism still holds back African-Americans even though it has diminished radically since the 1960s.
So I wrote Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past. Unfortunately, it was published the day Barack Obama won the Iowa caucuses. But I still held out hope that Hillary Clinton, who was pandering to the white working class in unsubtle racial terms, would capture the Democratic nomination. The anger among blacks at having the nomination effectively stolen from Obama would make them highly receptive to GOP outreach, I believed. I even met with John McCain’s staff about this.
Now who's "reality-based?"
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Stairway To The Stars My Destination
M. Bouffant
Fans of literarytyped sci-fi (As opposed to droolers watching on telebision or sitting slack-jawed in cinemas [& surrounded by other humanoids; the skin crawls].) may or may not be interested in or amused by the Library of America's pages devoted to pimping its new sci-fi collection.Not "new" new, but the Library's selection of nine novels from what they consider an actual Golden Age, 1953-1958 (coincidentally this reporter's Golden Age as well). We're inclined to agree that, Dianetics fan Campbell's Astounding partly aside, most of the '40s pulp crap was indeed pulp crap.
Robert Silverberg:
Robert Silverberg:
Historians of science fiction often speak of the years 1939–1942 as "the golden age." But it was more like a false dawn. The real golden age arrived a decade later, and — what is not always true of golden ages — we knew what it was while it was happening.Also:
Dig around for other amusement yourselves: We're not your mothers.The Walking Dead: Bester’s adaptation of “Fondly Fahrenheit” (1954)
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Photo Of The ...
M. Bouffant
Oh crap, have to run something in this space today. Discipline, y'know. (Quantity is quality.) As far as we can remember we haven't used this shot of Pasadena's City Hall yet.And if we have we don't care; too much work involved to research it. (Merely cropping was a strain.)
Friday, November 23, 2012
Fatima Presents: No One Is Safe
M. Bouffant
More holiday-themed crap, & bonus episodes. Audio only.Synchronicity: Today's LAPD.
“There has to be some consequences because they aren’t justified beatings. When you beat someone who is handcuffed there is something wrong with the picture. When you start beating up women, now you have really gone crazy. It is almost as if no one is safe.”It will be 39 yrs. next mo. since we were last in their custody, fingers crossed & wood knocked. Worst we got then was the threat of a hair cut.
“I think it is horrible,” said Arthur Corona, the attorney for Michelle Jordan, the nurse. “They kept her out of the car and then without provocation he slammed her face into hot asphalt. By sheer luck my client pulled into a Del Taco that had a videotape running at the time. It is almost impossible to prosecute against the police department unless you have overwhelming evidence. This isn’t regular contact. You would assume that is not what they are taught to do. In Michelle’s case we learned it can happen to anyone and that is what is most frightening to me.”Next rebellion & breakdown of order we will be helping ourself to anything & everything that is not nailed down.
Dog Bites Man: Of Course
The Store Has Reopened
M. Bouffant
Tallahassee, FL -- 5:03pm
The crime scene is now being cleaned up; the tape is coming down.
Tallahassee, FL -- 2:42pm
Tallahassee police confirm that two people were shot on the sidewalk in front of the Wal-Mart on Apalachee Parkway. Police would not comment on what may have started the confrontation and they would not comment on whether they have any suspects in the case.
Witnesses tell us it was a man and a woman who were shot. Tallahassee police say the victims have non-life threatening injuries.
The store has been re-opened.
Tallahassee, FL -- 1:03pm
The Wal-Mart on Apalachee Parkway is shut down after witnesses tell us multiple shots were fired right in front of the store. Witnesses tell us two couples were arguing and one of the men started firing, He then took off in his car. Witnesses tell us it happened on the sidewalk right in front of the store.
We are awaiting a police spokesperson to arrive on scene to give our reporter on scene more information.
Tallahassee, FL -- 12:53pm
The Tallahassee Police Department is working a crime scene at the Wal-Mart at 3535 Apalachee Pkwy. Witnesses say two people have been shot. We have a reporter on scene and will bring you more information on this developing story as we get it.
From our "What a shithole Florida is" file.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Reminder: 49 Yrs.
M. Bouffant
We always enjoy Thanksgiving being observed on the anniv. of the assassination of President J.F. Kennedy. Irony or something.
Turkeys, Jive
M. Bouffant
From GACBS. If gratitude wasn't an emotion for dogs, we'd be thankful that there's always material on the Internet we can steal when (as so often) we are w/o any inspiration but hate, pain, rage & fear. Pigs.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Baaa! Baaa!
M. Bouffant
Morons heading to & from the airport on the 405, lambs to the slaughter-stylee. When do we start reducing the population already?From the Nutty Broadcasting Co.-L.A.'s Instagram. Which can go fuck itself, as we couldn't save this image, but had to capture it. What we go through to be mean.
GMOs & Homos
M. Bouffant
My friend thinks GMO's, genetically modified food might be affecting hormone levelsand making more men gay these days.If anything is "making more men gay these days" it's probably exposure to Victoria Jackson's face, voice & what passes for a mental process in there.
— Victoria Jackson (@vicjackshow) November 21, 2012
Also too: "More men gay," or just fewer men in the closet?
Fuck Every One Of These People*
M. Bouffant
Celebs giving a shit one day a yr. Screw them every way possible.
*W/ the exception of Paul Mooney at the Laugh Factory, 'cause he's OK.
Thousands of homeless and underprivileged Los Angelenos will thankfully gobble up Thanksgiving dinner Thursday, and many will be served by famous facesHow about handing out mental health care & housing rather than crummy food scrounged from restaurant leftovers or whatever, assholes. One meal out of (lessee, 365 x 3 = X) 1,095 a yr.? Fuck you all in holes you didn't even know you had. Including the ninny who thought this was a good close to the item we linked:
Happy Thanksgiving, Los Angeles! May you be thankful to live in such a fine city.
*W/ the exception of Paul Mooney at the Laugh Factory, 'cause he's OK.
Happy Holidays
M. Bouffant
Turkey shopping:
A fight among a small group of people shopping at a Boyle Heights supermarket got into a fight that escalated into a shooting, leaving one woman wounded.Now we are thankful, Jah Rastfari having provided us w/ an illustration of the horrors of forced family time & excessive consumption.
The incident took place Tuesday night at around 8:30 p.m. at the Food4Less at First and Mott streets, according to the Los Angeles Police Department, reports City News Service.
A young woman at the store with another woman and two men, all in their 20s, got into an argument with a woman in her 30s who was also shopping at the Food4Less. One of the men jumped into the squabble and fired a shot at the older woman, striking her in the leg.
The group of four fled the store in their vehicle, which was soon pulled over by authorities. Though all four attempted to flee on foot, they were all four ultimately taken into custody.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Air Raid Warning
M. Bouffant
In case of attack ... kiss your ass good-bye.
Uh, maybe don't expect to be warned.
These were tested at 1000 the last Friday of each mo. until some time in the '80s. First time we heard the test (1973) we were more than a little nervous, but as no one else was running for the shelters we figured it was a test & relaxed.
Radio. Text & pix.
Uh, maybe don't expect to be warned.
These were tested at 1000 the last Friday of each mo. until some time in the '80s. First time we heard the test (1973) we were more than a little nervous, but as no one else was running for the shelters we figured it was a test & relaxed.
Siren #29, if you give a crap. |
Monday, November 19, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Failure Report: Fluffing The Fascists
M. Bouffant
Diane Dimond in The Daily Beast:
Nope. Her theme is that millions have been paid him & spent on his education, we can't waste that. Her theme is not that he's, like, actually competent, or that he has achieved anything beyond promotion. And that he was injured in service to his country (in training accidents). We hope he didn't contract prostate cancer in the service of these United Snakes as well, but Dimond adds that, so ...
No mention either of corporations hoping to do business w/ the military/industrial/Congressional complex. Good fucking job, DiDi.
Paragraph Two:When we lost our CIA director, we lost four decades of expertise at a time when we need that most. Diane Dimond on the high cost of a scandal.
This country has invested heavily in developing Petraeus into the successful and well-decorated military leader he became. And a decades-long ascension to the elite branches of government doesn’t come cheap. Look at Petraeus’s schooling alone: four years at West Point, where he graduated in 1974 in the top 5 percent of his class; Ranger School; the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College; and Princeton University, where he earned both a master’s and a Ph.D. in international relations.Well, say no more. Nagonna read the rest, but we'll scan it for mention of "The Surge" in Afghanistan.
Nope. Her theme is that millions have been paid him & spent on his education, we can't waste that. Her theme is not that he's, like, actually competent, or that he has achieved anything beyond promotion. And that he was injured in service to his country (in training accidents). We hope he didn't contract prostate cancer in the service of these United Snakes as well, but Dimond adds that, so ...
Official Washington might be done with David Petraeus, but this is a man who has survived being shot in the chest during a training mishap, a broken pelvis from an ill-fated parachute jump, and prostate cancer. He has developed into a highly valuable commodity, and now it seems that only the corporate world will benefit from his expertise. Corporations seeking to do business with foreign governments will be lining up with open wallets to tap into Petraeus’s considerable knowledge.We don't follow why someone w/ 40 yrs. of baby-killing experience would be so valuable to those seeking business w/ foreign nations, other than whatever the former Blackwater corporation (Whatever they're calling themselves now.) or other literal mercenary outfits.
No mention either of corporations hoping to do business w/ the military/industrial/Congressional complex. Good fucking job, DiDi.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Not To Worry, However, You'll Still Be Under Observation
M. Bouffant
A city of 23.1 square miles (60 km2) & 137,000 or so mostly snooty people w/ money needs six flying pigmobiles, it appears.
At least they share.
At least they share.
The Pasadena Police Department still has four flight-worthy helicopters, and the two grounded helicopters will not affect police helicopter service to Pasadena police, or any of the neighboring law enforcement agencies who also make use of Pasadena’s police helicopters.
When Pigs Fly
M. Bouffant
ALTADENA ( — Two Pasadena Police choppers are damaged and six people reportedly injured after the two craft collided Saturday in Altadena.
Early reports indicate the injuries are minor.
It is also unclear how the choppers made contact.
It is not known if the accident is weather-related.
The accident occurred at the Pasadena Police Department’s heliport just after 4 p.m.
The victims were all transported to the hospital where they are being evaluated.
All the accident victims are believed to be police department employees.
A police spokesperson did not know if either craft was in the air at the time of the collision.
Early reports indicate the injuries are minor.
It is also unclear how the choppers made contact.
It is not known if the accident is weather-related.
The accident occurred at the Pasadena Police Department’s heliport just after 4 p.m.
The victims were all transported to the hospital where they are being evaluated.
All the accident victims are believed to be police department employees.
A police spokesperson did not know if either craft was in the air at the time of the collision.
Sore Loser Types:
Maybe Next Wk./Next Yr.
M. Bouffant
Final: Westside Weasels 38, Authentic Urban Just South of Downtowners 28. Feeling like Mitt Romney here; too many "gifts" from one side.
We suppose that's what they get for starting a QB initialed M.B. Also: The head coach hiring his father as the defensive coördinator? Shee-yit!
It is our sincere hope that this embarrassment motivates the Men of Troy to reduce Nôtre Dame to a quivering pulp next wk.
Oh, & grudging congratulations to the Bruins. Good job, Jim Mora.
We suppose that's what they get for starting a QB initialed M.B. Also: The head coach hiring his father as the defensive coördinator? Shee-yit!
It is our sincere hope that this embarrassment motivates the Men of Troy to reduce Nôtre Dame to a quivering pulp next wk.
Oh, & grudging congratulations to the Bruins. Good job, Jim Mora.
Rose Bowl Recap
M. Bouffant
We're wearing our USC ballcap, yet the effing Bruins had an interception mere seconds into the Battle for Los Angeles, & a touchdown not long after.
Somewhat conflicted here, as an SC semi-alum who gets discount dental service at the UCLA Dental School, & contemplated sleeping on the UCLA campus during our un-housed period. However, our immediate male ancestor having graduated from the University of Spoiled Children, we're going w/ Southern Cal.
Either way, the winner of this one will have the Ducks of Oregon hand them their helmets in the PAC12 championship game. We'll be happy as long as the Trojans beat the viciousCatholic MolestersFighting Irish of Nôtre Dame next wk.
Uh-oh. Field goal. UCLA 10, USC 0, zip, nada, yada.
Somewhat conflicted here, as an SC semi-alum who gets discount dental service at the UCLA Dental School, & contemplated sleeping on the UCLA campus during our un-housed period. However, our immediate male ancestor having graduated from the University of Spoiled Children, we're going w/ Southern Cal.
Either way, the winner of this one will have the Ducks of Oregon hand them their helmets in the PAC12 championship game. We'll be happy as long as the Trojans beat the vicious
Uh-oh. Field goal. UCLA 10, USC 0, zip, nada, yada.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Repost This Story!
M. Bouffant
Insurance company’s skydiving cats cause alarm (via Raw Story )
Some pet-owning web users reacted with shock this week to a Swedish insurance company’s new advertisement featuring cats skydiving, set to the soothing sounds of artist R. Kelly. The uproar was actually enough to get CNN’s attention. Reached by reporters, the insurance company Folksam assured the…
Land In Which We Happen To Live
M. Bouffant
Quite certain we've addressed this issue before. Let's see. Yup. Thought we'd specifically bitched about it being played during the seventh-inning stretch of games at Dodger Stadium (Also the fucking Yankees. How embarrassing to be linked w/ them.) perhaps not.
This arises in the context of sad weirdo Bryan Fischer (Real name: Brian Fisher.) who at least knows it sho' nuff wasn't George W(orst). Bush who "kept us safe" after ('though not before & during 11 September 2001) it was ... well:
Hey, exciting new feature from Raw Story: Embedding the whole mess. Let's give it a shot.

Bryan Fischer: Singing ‘God Bless America’ prevents terrorist attacks (via Raw Story )
This arises in the context of sad weirdo Bryan Fischer (Real name: Brian Fisher.) who at least knows it sho' nuff wasn't George W(orst). Bush who "kept us safe" after ('though not before & during 11 September 2001) it was ... well:
Is us larnin'?“Have we learned? I don’t know. I think we’ve learned in part,” he continued. “One of the things we’ve done is we’ve gone to prayer at the seventh inning of every Major League Baseball game in Los Angeles, in New York and during the playoffs, and we pray, ‘God Bless America… Guide us through the night with a light from above.’”
“That’s not something that happened before 9/11. So, that’s one of the outcomes of 9/11. You have tens of thousands of baseball fans converting arenas into centers for intercessory prayer, for God to watch over, bless and guide the United States of America. And I think one of the reasons we haven’t been hit since 9/11 is that we learned that lesson.”
Hey, exciting new feature from Raw Story: Embedding the whole mess. Let's give it a shot.
Bryan Fischer: Singing ‘God Bless America’ prevents terrorist attacks (via Raw Story )
The director of issues analysis of a conservative fundamentalist Christian organization on Thursday asserted that the terrorists who attacked the United States on Sept. 11, 2001 were actually “the agents of God’s wrath” because they prompted “God Bless America” to be sung at Major League…
M. Bouffant
Demography: Destiny or not?
Via a loon-o-rama selection at Alternet, we note two items that hadn't previously appeared on our limited attention span radar. And since we're lazy as well as inattentive, we quote:
Via a loon-o-rama selection at Alternet, we note two items that hadn't previously appeared on our limited attention span radar. And since we're lazy as well as inattentive, we quote:
Apparently certain people believe demography is destiny. 'Though of course they'll scream about it not being so in other contexts.4. Conservative columnist goes full racist: “Maybe minorities' values need changing.”
There were too many racist dog whistles to count during this election season. But this column by right-winger Dennis Prager isn’t a dog whistle so much as it’s a blow horn. A big, sad, loud blow horn trumpeting a pathetic resistance to accept that women’s and minorities’ priorities are legitimate.
The headline (“Maybe Minorities' Values Need Changing”) and lines like “there is no debate over whether the minorities' (and single women's) values are correct or whether the values of the white males are correct” tell you pretty much everything you need to know about Prager and his ideas.
Oddly enough though, AlterNet readers will probably find a few things to agree with in the piece:
The Democratic Party, and the left generally, have done a magnificent job in identifying conservative values as white male values.
Right, because they are. (Thanks for the compliment!)
5. Convicted con man whines about how “difficult” the next four years will be.
Here are a few choice lines from Conrad Black’s whiny missive for the National Review:
“In the last 40 years, as many as 20 million unskilled peasants have illegally entered the U.S.”
“This president could not run on his record and just smeared his opponent as a rich asset-stripper, and frightened women voters with fatuous red herrings about ‘reproductive rights.’”
“For the first time, a coalition of pigmentational minorities and government employees and other benefit recipients outvoted the bulk of the traditional white majority. If this is the template for America’s electoral future, strains unimaginable since the Civil War will result.”
Those are some strong moral judgments coming from a man convicted of defrauding shareholders of $6.1 million.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
M. Bouffant
A study of the new California congressional delegation by Harold Meyerson of a liberal magazine, the American Prospect, showed that the 38 Democrats elected this year included 18 women, nine Latinos, five Asian-Americans, three African-Americans, four Jews and at least one gay American. The 15-member Republican delegation is all white men.Source.
Every Cop Is A Criminal
M. Bouffant
Why the hell else would we have a "Police Terror" label?
You think we're kidding about pig criminality? The police are as much of a gang as any Blood or Crip clique.A veteran Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy was arrested Wednesday for allegedly shooting and killing a man in Sylmar while off-duty in June, authorities said.
The deputy, Francisco Gamez, 41, has been with the department for 17 years and was last working as a station detective in West Hollywood.
Set a gangster to catch a gangster? Jesus fuck these people to hell.In August, a person who identified himself as the victim's brother commented on the website of the Los Angeles Times, saying he suspected a deputy was responsible.
"We think he is a L.A. COUNTY SHERIFF," the comment stated. "The reason we think he is a Sheriff is that he shouted to my Brother "L.A. COUNTY SHERIFF WHERE YOU FROM" as if the sheriff was in a gang."
Textual Tripe For A Thursday
M. Bouffant
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Drink Up, Drink Up & Die!
M. Bouffant
Here, why don't you fucking losers slug down about a case of this shit in a very short period?
Since 2009, 5-Hour Energy has been mentioned in some 90 filings with the F.D.A., including more than 30 that involved serious or life-threatening injuries like heart attacks, convulsions and, in one case, a spontaneous abortion, a summary of F.D.A. records reviewed by The New York Times showed.Keep on swallowing that crap, you fucking cretins.
Another federal agency, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, reported late last year that more than 13,000 emergency room visits in 2009 were associated with energy drinks alone.
☢Holiday Message From The Publisher☣
M. Bouffant
Now that the fucking Xmas decorations are up & the Xmas adverts are all over the telly, a mere six wks. before the dreaded event, we wish to remind you, if we haven't made it perfectly clear already, of just how much we hate you & your species.
And while some of you are evil scum who should have been strangled at birth, the trouble w/ the vast majority of you is that you bore us limp when you're not driving us nervous.
Stop it!
And while some of you are evil scum who should have been strangled at birth, the trouble w/ the vast majority of you is that you bore us limp when you're not driving us nervous.
Stop it!
Windows (Not 8)
M. Bouffant
Hollyhock House, Barnsdall Park, Los Angeles. Currently under renovation.Thematic Photographic 221, via Thunder&Lightning.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Bimbo Eruption Explained
M. Bouffant
Nut-picking, sure. And?
This must be denial: Whites & men, esp. white men, because victims & women. "NOT a minority, a member of a grand coalition!!" (Offer not available in Calif. or N.Y.)
Is this humor?
New code: "Erbs." Hmmm ... nothing in the obligatory but short search to indicate what an "Erb" & its ilk would be in this context. Any guesses?
But all of the above was mere context. If anyone's gotten this far, here is the full dope on today's scandal:
The Democrats are really blowing it if this guy's giving credit where due & the Dems indeed invented sex. "The party that brought you sex" sounds like a winner.
Ragspierre says:
…a party that was well out of touch with the demographic, generational, and ideological changes quietly transforming the electorate.
Well, PARTLY true. Across all ages, Romney won the with Anglos. He won with men, if the early numbers I saw were right.
What he did not win were “victim classes” the Collective has cut out of the American people, including a new one: “Julia”.
I take exception with your title, McQ. It breaks rationally with the content.
Being a minority party…and the conservative coalition is NOT…is not the same as going out of existence, is it? The nation has moved away from conservative ideology before, and been brought back. I’m not convinced that it has moved away in our time, and the election results don’t support a vast shift outside of California and New York. Recent history, in fact, shows the opposite.
Both you and Cook make a raft of assumptions about “being out of touch” that I still think the information does not support.
Bill Whittle pointed out something in a recent FireWall that I’d never heard before, and certainly bears investigating; among conservatives who are NOT REGISTERED to vote, the primary reason they give is avoiding jury duty. That is astounding.
Winning elections is important. But what you will DO with the power of an office is a LOT more important, and I am by no means convinced we need a radical retooling of what we believe. Especially on BAD information…while harboring a rout mentality.
What part of limited government and individual liberty do you propose to drop for popularity?
What he did not win were “victim classes” the Collective has cut out of the American people, including a new one: “Julia”.
I take exception with your title, McQ. It breaks rationally with the content.
Being a minority party…and the conservative coalition is NOT…is not the same as going out of existence, is it? The nation has moved away from conservative ideology before, and been brought back. I’m not convinced that it has moved away in our time, and the election results don’t support a vast shift outside of California and New York. Recent history, in fact, shows the opposite.
Both you and Cook make a raft of assumptions about “being out of touch” that I still think the information does not support.
Bill Whittle pointed out something in a recent FireWall that I’d never heard before, and certainly bears investigating; among conservatives who are NOT REGISTERED to vote, the primary reason they give is avoiding jury duty. That is astounding.
Winning elections is important. But what you will DO with the power of an office is a LOT more important, and I am by no means convinced we need a radical retooling of what we believe. Especially on BAD information…while harboring a rout mentality.
What part of limited government and individual liberty do you propose to drop for popularity?
Is this humor?
looker says:
“and I am by no means convinced we need a radical retooling of what we believe.”
Herein lies the problem – if we were standing next to Tonto at this point in the joke he’d be saying “what do you mean ‘we’ paleface”.
We can comfort ourselves thinking those who believe roughly what we believe just couldn’t be motivated to vote, or we can acknowledge that perhaps the Erbs and their ilk have taken a better control than we give them credit for. I’m your cockeyed optimist and I believe it CAN come back our way, but the voting public apparently decided for the moment to buy the quack medicine that the Democrats believe will make us all better.
Herein lies the problem – if we were standing next to Tonto at this point in the joke he’d be saying “what do you mean ‘we’ paleface”.
We can comfort ourselves thinking those who believe roughly what we believe just couldn’t be motivated to vote, or we can acknowledge that perhaps the Erbs and their ilk have taken a better control than we give them credit for. I’m your cockeyed optimist and I believe it CAN come back our way, but the voting public apparently decided for the moment to buy the quack medicine that the Democrats believe will make us all better.
But all of the above was mere context. If anyone's gotten this far, here is the full dope on today's scandal:
Neo says:
… but God help Julia if with her ObamaCare contraceptive coverage she should decide to become a “military groupie” because the FBI will be coming around to determine the appropriateness of her life style.
Leave it to a bunch of Democrats to create a “target rich” sexual environment then bring in the “modesty police.”
Not The Party Of ...
M. Bouffant
Amateur exorcist & volcano-ignorer Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, who is also the governor of one of the (former) Confederate States, quoted in POLITICO, via Political Wire:
"We've got to make sure that we are not the party of big business, big banks, big Wall Street bailouts, big corporate loopholes, big anything. We cannot be, we must not be, the party that simply protects the rich so they get to keep their toys."American voters, surveyed:
Good luck fucking that chicken, y'all.But the interesting numbers come in the answers to the question on Romney’s policies. Not surprisingly, 87 percent of Obama supporters said the Mittster’s policies favored the rich, while 0 percent said they favored the poor. Among Romney’s own supporters, only 10 percent said his policies favored the rich and, just like Obama supporters, 0 percent said that they favored the poor.
That’s a flat 0 percent across the board who said Romneynomics favored the poor.
Now, 0 percent is a number you don’t come across very often in polling. Usually, you can count on 2 or 3 percent of respondents to hear the question wrong and answer accordingly. But in this case, in a poll of nearly 20,000 people, there was absolute consensus: Nobody, but nobody, thought Romney cared enough about the poor to do anything for them. Nevermind Paul Ryan’s protestations, or those of various GOP polemicists, that supply-side trickle-down would benefit the poor more than any Democratic policies would. Ryan not only failed to convince Obama’s supporters of this, he didn’t convince any of his own and Romney’s supporters, either.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Military Society
M. Bouffant
Now, we all's jes' simple god-hatin' folk, not up on the society world & all its etiquette & euphemism, but does "social liaison"
Hey, this Daily News is alright!
mean she's in charge of the sex workers? Or is it more like a groupies for baby-killers deal?Jill Kelley, social liaison to MacDill Air Force Base, is mystery woman Paula Broadwell harassed via email leading to FBI probe
Hey, this Daily News is alright!
Two Videos, One Song
M. Bouffant
The Editrix of Wonkette was plagiarizinghomage-ing today,
It’s like the Dad never even listens when the son is trying to tell him he’s gonna vote later. All he wanted was to go vote. And he wouldn’t give it to him. Just a vote! And people say he’s crazy? When he went to your schools and your churches and your institutional learning facilities? He’s not on drugs. He just wants to vote!which inspired a search for this,as opposed to this one, which does not feature our friend John Dorr as the Army officer at (3:22).
One Lies, The Others Swear To It
M. Bouffant
How is this spin suddenly everywhere, Journo-List-style? It's as if there really were a vast right-wing noise machine blasting faxes to gated communities nationwide.
Upon reaching this summit, M.M. turns on his projector & lets Karl Rove shine his light through:
The most creative (& revealing) take on the GOP blast fax that generated all this (Seriously. Where did it come from?) has to be Grover Norquist & his "poopy-head" entry.
For Medved to bitch about negative attack campaigning (i.e., showing Romney for what he is) when the Prez has been vilified & demonized w/ the fantasies & delusions of a paranoid right-wing is just another peak reached in his attempt to climb all the mountains of hypocrisy.The president didn’t win with a ‘magnificent’ get-out-the-vote operation. It was his relentless negative ads that discouraged and disillusioned the Republican and independent voters Romney needed, says Michael Medved.
Upon reaching this summit, M.M. turns on his projector & lets Karl Rove shine his light through:
To which we can only bold that one admission of straight-up protection/reaction & add: So? (Under our breath we muttered, "Fuck both of you gasbags.")He and his supporters succeeded in discouraging and disillusioning the Republican and independent voters whom Romney needed for victory. In post-election comments, GOP strategist Karl Rove argued that the Obama campaign succeeded by deliberately “suppressing the vote,” a response to Democratic accusations of Republican “voter suppression” schemes. Although most opinion leaders dismissed Rove’s observation as the sour grapes whining of a notably sore loser, it’s impossible to argue with his numbers: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan drew 1.3 million fewer votes than the allegedly hapless ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Given the undeniable fact that some significant number of voters who backed Obama last time switched their support to Romney in 2012, helping to produce the president’s 7.6 million decline in support, several million Americans who cast ballots for McCain-Palin four years ago must have chosen to stay home for this election.
The most creative (& revealing) take on the GOP blast fax that generated all this (Seriously. Where did it come from?) has to be Grover Norquist & his "poopy-head" entry.
Golden Idols Tarnished
M. Bouffant
First brave baby-killer Petraeus, now the voice of Elmo. More proof
S-E-X is nasty & shameful. Stop it, as Ann Romney would say.
S-E-X is nasty & shameful. Stop it, as Ann Romney would say.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Maybe. Maybe Not ...
M. Bouffant
Election Night we surfed by John Fund on his voter fraud hobby-horse offering a whopping three examples: Poll workers (or watchers, he's not sure either) something, "concerns" of Federal vans being used for something, & something a judge(s) something, around (42:45).No actually fraudulent votes noted but don't give up yet fraud fans, not all the information is in. Other shocking Obama-trocities (40:45): The campaign kept mailing lists up to date!
Not that we saw it all. (You couldn't make us watch Fred Barnes w/ a gun to our head.) but it's over for these people. Seeing their crests fall at each update was icing on the cake of Fund admitting that there was no fraud. Yet.
And how long ago should Pat Robertson have been eased out? Does he require the services of a personal drool wrangler yet? Catch his segue at the end of the Fund segment. Marriage fan Maggie Gallagher follows that, trying to be cheerful about various state referenda, while admitting they're all in blue states. And she mentions the Iowa justice she wants out. Who is staying. ("Vote for revenge?" That's wrong, isn't it?)
Did you know? "Obama has been ruling by executive fiat; he just ignores Congress & just, y'know, he thinks he's the Anointed One" (53:45) as Pat lets some dude (Jimmy Falwell no longer being available) do the subtle scolding.
Look & listen well: When these weasels have passed from the earth we're not likely to see their like again.
Not that we saw it all. (You couldn't make us watch Fred Barnes w/ a gun to our head.) but it's over for these people. Seeing their crests fall at each update was icing on the cake of Fund admitting that there was no fraud. Yet.
And how long ago should Pat Robertson have been eased out? Does he require the services of a personal drool wrangler yet? Catch his segue at the end of the Fund segment. Marriage fan Maggie Gallagher follows that, trying to be cheerful about various state referenda, while admitting they're all in blue states. And she mentions the Iowa justice she wants out. Who is staying. ("Vote for revenge?" That's wrong, isn't it?)
Did you know? "Obama has been ruling by executive fiat; he just ignores Congress & just, y'know, he thinks he's the Anointed One" (53:45) as Pat lets some dude (Jimmy Falwell no longer being available) do the subtle scolding.
Look & listen well: When these weasels have passed from the earth we're not likely to see their like again.
For Example
M. Bouffant
When was it decided the college hoops season would open on the flight decks of museum aircraft carriers? Or not.
On the coast w/ the most, & the city w/ the most retired vets.
On the coast w/ the most, & the city w/ the most retired vets.
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Christopher Hanewinckel, US Presswire |
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