Friday, November 30, 2012

Not Hollyhock House

Driveway retaining wall.
Identified as Residence "A" or a guest house on maps. Dunno if FLW designed it or what.


Glennis said...

Wow, where is this? It's awesome.

Weird Dave said...

I'm no FLW expert but it does look like his style details and angles. I especially like the electrode look of that lamppost.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Actually, I kind of doubt that Wright did the guest house Some of the detailing is reminiscent, but the overall configuration doesn't really conform to Wright's idiom, especially the sloping roof.

I suspect it was more the work of Rudolph Schindler, who was expediting Wright's work in Southern California at the time.

M. Bouffant said...

Non-Expert Editor:
Yezzz, does look like flunky stuff. That thing sticking out is the only real architecture besides the line of decorative stuff. Actually figgered it might have been servants quarters, but maybe not.

Lamppost is pretty recent.

Weird Dave said...

Geezz...the zombies around here are smarter than I am.

M. Bouffant said...

Amateur Editor:
He is a specialized (&, we hope) licensed zombie.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Wright's work is a professional, albeit casual, interest of mine.

I suspect I have been in more of his buildings than almost anyone who isn't an architectural historian or Taliesin archivist.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Geezz...the zombies around here are smarter than I am.

I aspire to be Weird.