Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why Does Andrew Sullivan
Hate The Free Market?

Still bitching about NYC:
Again, more money. To do even the slightest thing, you get fleeced.
Jesus, no shit? How fucking long has he lived in the United Snakes, & when will he notice things right under his nose?

Christ. What. An. Asshole.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Holy babe in the woods.

Weird Dave said...

It's New York. Of course it's crowded, expensive, rude, and dirty. What did he expect?
If he doesn't like it he should move to Paramus (or better yet, Fargo).

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

To do even the slightest thing, you get fleeced.

New Yorkers know a mark when they see one.