Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Saw the above in our in-box & thought for a moment that our long-lost (if not entirely forgotten or never even existed) sci-fi epic had been found somewhere & published.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I am happy to announce that M.B. is the winner my "Best Blog in L.A. That Wants To Kill All The Rich Parasites" award for 2010, and probably 2011 (etc.)

Substance McGravitas said...

Add robots and there's the epic.

Also girls with big boobs.

M. Bouffant said...

Sci-Fi Smut Editor:

We've advocated killing them all since 2007.

How 'bout robo-broads w/ large breasts? (Reduces number of characters that must be fleshed-out.) There's a market for everything, we hear.