Sunday, August 21, 2011

Winning The Vulgarity Sweepstakes

A Hummer wrapped in money.
Credit is begrudged that it is at least a "real, G.I." Hummer, not an overstuffed for assholes H2.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

So I looked it up, and I'm a bit skeptical.

M. Bouffant said...

Does No Research Editor:

Very interesting: The guy w/ the whiskers & nose ring on the photos page (or a remarkably similar person) was seated a few ft. away (in the shade) playing solitaire on a lap-top while we were shooting the Dollar-Mobile.

inkcovered said...

And what makes you skeptical??? Because I'm not a clean-shaven white man??? Why not do some real reporting and speak to me... the owner and director. Yes I have a awesome beard...(not whiskers) yes I have body piercings... yes I have tattoos!!! AND??? Does that mean that I have less than honorable or credible intentions??? Or is it is because if I don't fit in your little box... I must be evil???

inkcovered said...

Be as skeptical as you like... but what are you really doing with YOUR life??? Who do YOU inspire??? Obviously you have dedicated YOUR life in the pursuit of community service...