Thursday, August 11, 2011

It Could Happen

After he wins the nomination, protocol will require Perry to have discussions with Bachmann about the vice presidential slot, but he will, eventually, turn to Sarah Palin. The general election will force the Texan back toward the middle and he will stop talking about faith and abortion and gay marriage; Perry will campaign on jobs and the economy.

Palin, who is loved by the tea party as much as Perry, will keep the Teavangelicals animated while he tries to talk to the adults to win the election on a single issue: the economy, stupiderest!!!
Our only disagreement would be that Ex-Alaska Gov. Palin will never accept anything less than being appointed Queen of America, & Perry will have to take Bachmann as his Veep/stalking horse.


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Queen of America

AND a sash. AND some roses. AND all the blue M&M's must be removed from candy bowl.

M. Bouffant said...

Toddlers & Tiaras Editor:

Ah hah, compensation for losing Miss Alaska?