Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mamet: Spector Not Guilty

And he says he's "crazy." (About Sarah Palin.)

Dumb-ass Dave is in the Big Apple scouting
locations for a film he has written and will direct for HBO about Phil Spector, the legendary music producer.


Spector, to be played by Al Pacino with Bette Midler as his lawyer, Linda Kenney Baden, was jailed for murder in 2008 after being convicted of the killing of Lana Clarkson, an actress, at his California mansion. "I don't think he's guilty. I definitely think there is reasonable doubt," Mamet says briskly when I ask what interested him about the case. "They should never have sent him away. Whether he did it or not, we'll never know but if he'd just been a regular citizen, they never would have indicted him."
Our emphases above. Compare & contrast.

Who will check for his statements vis-à-vis O.J. Simpson? Leave our celebrities alone!!

More Mamet mentioned here.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Wotta dumbass. Does he really think that Spector would have been cut slack if he were poor and/or black?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

If he was poor and black, BBBB, he wouldn't have deserved any slack.

That's how the 'I got mine, eff you' folks roll.

Substance McGravitas said...

What a pity his lawyers didn't hit upon the sure strategy of putting the gun in his hand to see if it fit.