Sunday, March 27, 2011

April Fools

From the pages of The DC, a shriek is heard:
Islam is the only religion with a propaganda arm, and its most powerful outlet for dissemination of disinformation, Islamic* Jew-hatred, scrubbing of ethnic cleansing, gender apartheid, jihadi wars, land appropriations and cultural annihilations is Al Jazeera. Reasoned and rational free men have long known the pernicious influence of this jihadist news organization. But the recent legitimization and outrageous “lauding” of their coverage by mainstream news outlets is not only dangerous, it’s civilizational suicide.

This cannot stand. Look at your calendars and join me April 1 in Washington, D.C. at the National Press Club: Cliff Kincaid, the president of America’s Survival, Inc., has put together an explosive event that you cannot afford to miss: “Al Jazeera, Global Jihad, and the Suicide of the West.” I’ll be speaking, along with Kincaid, news analyst Charles K. Ortel, independent television producer Jerry Kenney, and investigative journalist Lee Kaplan.

Do not accept the Goebbels network of the Fourth Reich. Join me in fighting this scourge.
"Put together an explosive event?" Is that really the tone to take here?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

You know who else put together explosive events?

Substance McGravitas said...

I hope the Christian Broadcast Network will have coverage!